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Customers raving about us on Radio


New member
A FM radio station in our capital city ran a phone in today for listeners to list their best pizza place. We had 2 new customers tonight who ordered from some rave reviews they heard (ones that told us they heard of us on this promo).
We listed this on our Facebook page asking peple to go to the radio stations facebook section for the best pizzas in Perth and place comments.
I will be contacting the promotion dept of the station on Manday to see if we can do a promo giving away 50 free pizzas to listeners using the format that if they want to taste the best pizzas just phone in to get one. Don’t know if they will do it or not but no harm in trying. This station has held the # 1 spot for someting like 40 consequtive rating periods so if they take it up we can get some fantastic exposure.
In the meantime we are going do do a window signage “Voted one of the best pizzas in Perth by 94.5 listeners”. It’s strectching it a bit but we are lsited on their website as one of the pizza places voted by listeners.

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Just a follow up.
We have just had our best weekend (Fri - Sun) since the first week in October 2010.
Don’t know if it was related to this or not but a lot of customers came in and told us they heard it on the radio.
We are getting window posters printed with “Voted (one of) THE BEST PIZZAS IN PERTH” with a note on the bottom listing the station and the promotion they ran (in smaller type size). The (one of) is not in ( ) but will be done in very small type so that at first glance people will only see the voted best pizzas in Perth message, as it will be shaddowed in bright yellow to make that part of the message stand out.
Really hoping that this may be the catalyst we have been looking for to take us to that next step in sales levels.
I was asking someone well connected and successful in the trade here just before Christmas where next to get sales up. I told him all the advertising and promotion we have done and what works and what doesn’t, and what the results had been. When I asked what can we do next as we were not growing sales his comment was, “win a contest”. He said every winner of a contest had massive increases in sales, and maintained them, after promoting it in their front window and on their handout menu and leaflefts, so I guess we have no harm in trying as well.
Here goes :lol:

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