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Daddio's Delivery Van


Staff member
This is my new delivery van. … =695024216

It really turns the heads when people see it. The first day on the road brought in 14 new delivery customers.

My first tank of gas I averaged 18 cents per mile for gas (at $3.90 per gal). It is a right hand drive and is only 10 feet long and 4.75 feet wide. The max load is 440lbs so that means it would be overloaded if Nick and I went for a ride :o
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Just curious - why is the phone number on the van different from the number on the storefront and the other vehicle?

What make/model is that van?
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Registered Guest:
Just curious - why is the phone number on the van different from the number on the storefront and the other vehicle?

What make/model is that van?
The number on the Van is my new number 8Daddio the sign company has not come to change the sign yet both numbers go to the same store. I am in a transition phase.

The Van is a 1994 Mitsubishi Bravo imported from Japan last week.
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I like that you’re using something people don’t see driving around much to attract attention. Whether it has a fancy vinyl wrap or not, I like it.
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The wrap may come later but the lettering is reflective so this is what you see in your headlights. … =695024216
Love the new van Daddio. Some uniformed might call it boring, but to the informed I call it unique. But no matter what but you got to love it for night deliveries.

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I thought I would do a little update on the effect my new delivery van has had on business. New customer count for the eight weeks the van has been on the road is almost 2 times the same period of time for the previuos 2 years. The sales for the time period are up by 15% over the previous year.

I am constantly showing the van to people in parking lots and giving them and menu and fridge magnet at the same time. I have seen many of them in the store the same day I gave them a menu.

The bottom line is this van has paid for itself in increased sales in eight weeks.

Note: The economy in my city has been hit hard and there have been 4 pizza places (including 2 LC) that have closed in the last 6 months. I have not changed any of the other types of marketing that I use.
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daddio the wrap is fancy shmancy stuff that you don’t need. its perfect just the way it is!! sometimes when you have too much going on its not good for gaining the right kind of attention, the kind that turns into sales. seeing your name and number is what counts the most. good luck!!
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Y-yo I disagree…A “full wrap” spread over a couple years is less than 40.00 a week…There is not much advertising you can buy that gives you the exposure of a wrap at such a low cost…If this is working, a full wrap will work better…
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daddio the wrap is fancy shmancy stuff that you don’t need. its perfect just the way it is!! sometimes when you have too much going on its not good for gaining the right kind of attention, the kind that turns into sales. seeing your name and number is what counts the most. good luck!!
I agree to the extent that a lot of businesses try to get too fancy with the graphics and the message is lost. Done right a full wrap will do wonders for you. I’ve also seen examples of just decals used that are very effective. Monster energy drink does both really well.
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you guys are both right. if its done right without an overload of graphics, it would enhance the look of the vehicle. i have seen some wraps with just too much stuff going on and thats what i meant. daddios truck is interesting enough to catch the eye without overspending. there is a point where looking good 8) takes more money and really is not necessary. 🙂
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I have taken notice of tha many vehicles that are in my city both wrapped and stickered. The thing that strikes me most often is the difficulty in identifying exactly what is being advertised.

I chose to go the way I did for 3 reasons, first is the simple identification of the business and phone number, second is the speed that it could be done (I wanted it in the parade the day after I bought it) and third the cost was around 20 14" pizzas delivered to the business over a 10 week period.
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I have had many conversations with marketing folks about what kind of stuff should go on a vehicle wrap…It seems these 3 things are most important…

1 - Logo as large as possible…
2 - Images of products…
3 - Bright and bold graphics that get noticed…

It seems phone number and websites are not on most lists…The function of the wrap is branding only…It is to create “top of mind awareness”…If they remember you, they will find you…And if you start asking your clients where they got your number, I doubt many will say they wrote it down after seeing your car “zooming” by…
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This brings up a whole different arguement. When it comes to small local establishments how many people can really identify a logo? I have done a none scientific survey of my regluar long term customers and asked them to describe the logos of local independent businesses. Every one of them knew the businesses but very few could describe their logo. So who is the logo important to? I would say the business owner. To me it makes the most sense to have the customer recognize the name and phone number than remember what my logo looks like.

I would also argue that a strange looking vehicle will draw more attention than a common vehicle with a wrap.
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I think Daddio makes a good point, and one that I mostly agree with. The point where we agree is that the marketing project has to match the overall marketing direction. If I haven’t spent a lot of time and effort getting my logo out there and associated with my shop, then it is pointless to spend huge $$$ on a wrap or sign that focuses on that logo.

No one will disagree that Domino’s and Pizza Hut (Wendy’s, KFC, & Delta) have almost immediate brand recognition with their logos. We spend a whole lot of time and effort getting our octagonal “nick face” logo out in the community (It’s on every pizza box, for goodness sake), so it would make some sense for us to use our logo in a car wrap. Even people in the county seat recognize our octagon as us.

Those who don’t have that recognition should consider a different focus, and/or build that logo recognition in order for it to be meaningful on a vehicle and/or sign.
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