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Dangerous Pizza fliers? Never even heard of this have you?

Similar legislation was passed(without the seizing of cars) in my town covering flyering apartments. Some ahole city commissioner had the nuts to get up and state “how many rapes, robberies and murders will it take untill we do something about this”. Later in the meeting, the same commissioner asked that the government and those running for political office be exempted from the law. I replied asking the rest of the commissioners to see the absurdity in passing an ordinance on the basis that it is dangerous but yet exempting the government. Apparently actions causing rapes, robberies and murders are bad if private enterprise do them but perfectly fine if it is government doing it. The ordinance was passed and still stands.
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Ok I have something to add here. Have any of you been too Disney? Talk about giving your personal info and c/c number to crooks! That damn mouse has taken me to the cleaners for thousands and thousands of dollars! Also, anyone staying at a Disney resort would know that an ad for a $9.99 pizza was a scam. It costs more than that for a delivery car to make it through the security gate and too the lobby of your hotel. I think seeing an ad for a $29.99 pizza (12" two topping) with a delivery fee of $29.99 and to keep our angels of the roadways happy (delivery drivers) a mandatory 82.5% gratuity. Add tax and floridas hotel/motel delivered food fee (which I am making up here) brings you too an even $ 120.00! I can hear the pizza girl on the phone now… “it’s only $10 per inch…delivered!” :shock: