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Dear PMQ Reader - Give us a quote


Staff member
We are working on a Vegan Pizza Story and a story about Independents and Technology.

Do you have an answer or opinion regarding the following questions?

Answer one or all.
You can alternatively respond to these same questions at this survey link. Thank you.
  1. What are the toppings you most often suggest on your Vegan Pizza?
  1. What is the biggest threat facing local pizzerias?
  2. Nowadays, how do most new customers find you?
  3. How do you keep customers coming back other than great pizza or service?
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  1. What is the biggest threat facing local pizzerias?
The biggest threat to local pizzerias is internal. I know that is not what they want to hear… the inclination is to look outside for threats.

The external is predictable and noisy. If the indy/local pizzeria fails to give the customer a reason to order from them (and that reason is NOT price!), fails to differentiate themselves by creating an identity and role in the community they are vulnerable to loosing the cost/price game and disappearing.

Perhaps another way to say it is that the challenge comes from outside but the threat is the failure to meet the challenge… and that threat is internal. Don’t respond or respond ineffectively and you loose but the difference is what each indy/local chooses to do and not the external conditions they contend with.

The external world is changing. In particular the customer is looking for businesses that communicate directly with them. To that end indy stores need to ramp up their customer direct contacts and quickly. Again the conditions that create the challenge are external but the threat is failure to act and that failure is internal.
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  1. How do you keep customers coming back other than great pizza or service?
Get them into our contact system so we can reach out directly to them. Whether that is getting them to like our FB page or better yet to order online so we track their activity and can communicate directly with them, being able to connect is key to keeping them coming back.

Say Thank You!
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  1. What are the toppings you most often suggest on your Vegan Pizza?
Vegan? Who cares. Even less demand for that than for gluten free and GF is a marginal business opportunity.
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  1. What are the toppings you most often suggest on your Vegan Pizza?
Mushrooms, olives, fresh basil, onions, green peppers, fresh garlic
  1. What is the biggest threat facing local pizzerias?
I am not sure as we are doing a great business bucking most all the current trends.
  1. Nowadays, how do most new customers find you?
yelp (past 2 years we have made the top 100 yelp restaurants in the USA), word of mouth locally and internationally.
  1. How do you keep customers coming back other than great pizza or service?
We only do both. No other perks like specials, coupons, new menu items, frequent buyer cards, and our business continues to grow.
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The biggest threat to local pizzerias is internal. I know that is not what they want to hear… the inclination is to look outside for threats.

The external is predictable and noisy. If the indy/local pizzeria fails to give the customer a reason to order from them (and that reason is NOT price!), fails to differentiate themselves by creating an identity and role in the community they are vulnerable to loosing the cost/price game and disappearing.

Perhaps another way to say it is that the challenge comes from outside but the threat is the failure to meet the challenge… and that threat is internal. Don’t respond or respond ineffectively and you loose but the difference is what each indy/local chooses to do and not the external conditions they contend with.

The external world is changing. In particular the customer is looking for businesses that communicate directly with them. To that end indy stores need to ramp up their customer direct contacts and quickly. Again the conditions that create the challenge are external but the threat is failure to act and that failure is internal.
Hard truths…But truth non the less. @bodegahwy you slap the reality back in to my perspective more than I like to admit.
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