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Deck Oven Hood Requirements in NYC


New member
Hey all,

Was hoping those in NYC or those with experience opening in NYC could help me out here.

I will be opening a pizzeria in Brooklyn where we use a deck oven for pizzas and a hot-line for other items. The space we are looking at is already built out and has a beautiful kitchen. We would be adding the deck oven.

The kitchen is built such that one large hood runs the length of one side of the kitchen. Under the hood is a range, fryers, and a few other items. We wanted to put a deck under that hood and downsize to a smaller range.

Our architect informed us he believes you can’t have deck ovens under the same hood as a range or fryer, though he is unsure. Does anyone have experience with this? Can our deck oven share the same hood that covers the range and fryers? If you are unsure, are you aware of anyone in NYC/Brooklyn that might be able to help me determine the fire code for this setup?
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There is ,to my knowledge ,no such restrictions.

You will need a fire protection system A local provider will know your Fire Marshals requirements.

George Mills
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Additional note:

Be sure that the hood will extend beyond the oven 6 in sides and front when installed. take into consideration space at the rear for connections.

George Mills
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