Deck Oven Question


New member
I am looking to do true 18" pizzas as slice pies and whole. Most deck Ovens I look at are 36" deep and 60" wide and claim to hold 6, 18" pizzas (2 deep, 3 wide.) I’m a little concerned because with a 36" depth, this leaves very little room for error when launching.

For operators here with more experience, will a deck oven with a 36" by 60" stone really hold 6, 18" pies? I am looking primarily at the Montague 25p2 and the Marsal “6 pie” models.

If not, I am considering the Marsal 8 pie model but I have concerns about recovery time and heat retention with the same 130k BTUs and larger baking chamber.

Any input would be greatly appreciated!
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we have used BP for slice shop, it sucks in recovery. then again we open it every 10 sec. we sell slice every 10 sec at peak hours.
as long you dont open often you should be ok.
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I believe most operators seldom have 6pies in the oven at once. The space where a pizza has been removed needs some time to regain its temperature so
there is most often space recovering temp.

It takes a well trained oven tender to get results from a deck oven.
George Mills
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I have used marsal sd series for many years. I typically do not put more than 5 at a time in each deck
so that the stones recover properly and pies bake evenly. If you have a double stack and are making
traditional NY pies your pizza cook times should be say 5 to 6 mins so with say 10 in the oven
at any given time you can really crank out some pizza. Hope this helps

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Do you have a 36” x 60” baking surface? You do 18” pies and squeeze them in?

I know I won’t be able to do a full 6 pies in the oven at once, but it would be nice to squeeze 4, or even 5 in there. It just seems a bit limiting to have 3 spots occupied at a time. In a crunch, it’d be nice to have the real estate be useable.

My goal is to definitely have a double stack (and a separate countertop oven for slice reheats so not to mess up the flow in the deck oven.) and it’s going to be NY leaning - so 5 to 6 minutes at 18” minimum (20” tops like Joe’s) is right in my wheelhouse. I had considered 16” with the 36” deep floor but I don’t think I can sell slices from a pie that small…

I’m torn between the Montague 25p-2 (which is preferable to the equivalent Marsal model to me becaus of the firebrick lining and extra BTUs) and the Marsal 8 pie model for the extra floor space.

If you don’t mind me asking, how many pies will you do in a day comfortably with the double stack?

Very interested in learning from your experience!
I have used marsal sd series for many years. I typically do not put more than 5 at a time in each deck
so that the stones recover properly and pies bake evenly. If you have a double stack and are making
traditional NY pies your pizza cook times should be say 5 to 6 mins so with say 10 in the oven
at any given time you can really crank out some pizza. Hope this helps

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Yes I cook using the SD 660 and 1060 series with firebrick top marsals. Both of these models have the 36 x 60 cooking surfaces. These ovens are top notch and a stacked set can handle 40 -50 18" pies per hour without any issues.
There is a big difference between the two models though. In the 660 the opening is only 7 inches even less when you add the fire brick. Why is this an issue? Well if you are reall cranking out pies it is difficult to reach over the pies in the front to release the pie off your paddle in the back of the oven. Assuming you are using no screens and are cooking directly on stone. The benefit to the 660 is that your pies will cook slightly faster since the opening to the oven is smaller. If you decide to go with the 1060 the opening is 10" slightly less if you are using the fire brick but the pies will take slightly longer to cook.

Hope this answers your questions


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We run the Montague 25-ps and LOVE THEM! The recovery time is amazing. We can fit 5 18" pies per deck. They are built like tanks and very little maintenance.

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You can cook 6 18" pies in that oven easily. You just dont load them back to back. You oveset by 4 inches. Meaning the back row goes all the way to the left, and the front go to the right 4 inhes.
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