Deck oven


New member
I’m thinking about buying another set off blodgett 1000 deck ovens. And wondered about how much they weigh without the stones and about how many people I need to move them
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My son and I moved our Blodgett 1048 wih the help of a rolling platform (dolly). Pretty rough job for two, better with four. We used the tailgate of the pickup as a “deadman” to attach the legs.

As a side note, with a simple thermostat mod, the stones in the 1048 can hit 700 and the top of the pizza is cooked, too. An 18" NY style pie can be in and out in 3:45 with no other modifications. Others using the 1060 have posted that their oven can’t cook the tops at this temp without burning the bottoms unless a ceiling mod of stone is made. It suspect that the baking in the one foot smaller cooking chamber of the 1048 may be more even and efficient than the larger 1060 even though both use the same burners.
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I know I’m late to the game but any chance you can tell me which thermostat you put in? Looking to do something similar and no idea which thermostat models everyone is talking about.
