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deep dish rings


Staff member
Does anyone know where I can get rings to place around deep dish pans to deflect the heat and keep the crust from burning?
Does anyone have a secret for this ?
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Try calling Lloyd’s pans.
They are referred to as “no burn rings”
In a pinch, you can put foil on top of the crust, but it may blow off.
You will only need to buy 3 or 4 at the most.
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I’m not aware of anr “rings”. I use a 2-inch deep pan. With a deeper pan than what I actually need, the rim height captures the cooler air above the pizza, thus controlling the top color/bake.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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They sit on top of the rim of the pans and have lots of holes in them. They are about 2 inches wide. On a few occasions that someone forgets to put them on top as they go in the oven, I have noticed that the crusts was a little darker without them.
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We put a pizza serving tray upside down over the deep dish on its final trip through the oven.
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