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delivering to companies on strike?


New member
If a company is on strike, do you cross the picket lines to deliver to the people still working?
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If a company is on strike, do you cross the picket lines to deliver to the people still working?
Of course.

But make sure the driver has some coupons/menus to pass out to the strikers as he “crosses the line”. :lol:
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If you’re concerned about your image to the striking workers, can’t you just send a car without a topper and have your driver wear a jacket to cover his uniform?
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Put lots of Obama stickers on the delivery vehicle and announce that you’re delivering “Hope and Change!” 😃
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I live in a fairly strong union area…And this is a very slippery slope…I would say you are dammed if you do and dammed if you do not…So you need to figure out which side leaves you less dammed…
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Wait, I’ve got a better idea. (Don’t try my first idea.)

Tell them that there’s a second delivery is on its way and it contains enough pizza for the strikers.

(If they’re intelligent enough to be striking with 10% unemployment and negative economic growth, they’ll certainly be intelligent enough to believe you.)
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personally, I wouldn’t put my drivers in any potentially dangerous situation.
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We decided to take the route of not crossing. Except for the security guards (they’re an independent company that is on neither side) and they can meet us at the road.
Unfortunately, there are more local people on the picket line than inside the building, looking at the long term effect when the strike is over we would have more to lose than what we would gain for the short term orders.
Drivers safety is also an issue, I don’t think they would physically hurt him, but the car may be another subject if things start going wrong.
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Wait, I’ve got a better idea. (Don’t try my first idea.)

Tell them that there’s a second delivery is on its way and it contains enough pizza for the strikers.

(If they’re intelligent enough to be striking with 10% unemployment and negative economic growth, they’ll certainly be intelligent enough to believe you.)
Just, wow. :shock: :roll:

Kinda along the lines of: “The beatings will continue until morale improves”. :evil:
Drivers safety is also an issue, I don’t think they would physically hurt him, but the car may be another subject if things start going wrong.
Really? Tell me it isn’t so! Peaceful hard working mistreated striking workers being anything but nice to a driver and his vehicle? Surely they would see that he is just trying to make a living and feed his family! 😉
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Registered Guest:
Drivers safety is also an issue, I don’t think they would physically hurt him, but the car may be another subject if things start going wrong.
Really? Tell me it isn’t so! Peaceful hard working mistreated striking workers being anything but nice to a driver and his vehicle? Surely they would see that he is just trying to make a living and feed his family! 😉
yeah, no kidding.
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Kinda along the lines of: “The beatings will continue until morale improves”.
Well gregster, as a former Navy man myself (officer), I’ve always accepted my responsibility as an adult, husband, father, and man to take responsibility for my own situation.

If I don’t like my pay or working conditions, I live in a free country and can either choose another employer or I can take a risk with my hard earned savings and make my own job.

To waste my time and energy picketing in front of my place of employment seems quite counterproductive. Why would I want to go back inside after the strike and work for the same company I walked out on?

No, I don’t have much sympathy for strikers, especially now with so many out of work.
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Unfortunately I have become aware that MANY business owners do not respect the laws of this country, such as the FLSA minimum wage laws and the NLRA which protects workers and gives them the legal right to strike.

Weak leaders tend to rely on Positional Authority (Do as I say because I am the boss) or Coercive Authority ( Do as I say or you’re fired). It takes no talent to make a threat. If they were truly leaders, they could work with and encourage others to follow their lead and make them want to accomplish the goals. You can only beat and mistreat a dog with Positional or Coercive Authority for so long before it fights back. That is what’s called a strike or a lawsuit. Respecting workers, paying them fairly and providing a good working environment are proven effective tools that can be used to get workers to accomplish team goals.

Striking workers are ultimately a failure of leadership.

Some bosses demand respect. Others earn it. Which one do you think gets the most out of their subordinates er…uh… employees? Which do you want to be?

Greg, while I agree more with your point than chops, it is rather narrow. So you would agree that effective leadership prevents strikes??? Hoorah for W-Mart!!! lol… I guess they get the ‘leadership’ award.
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Since you advocate the organization of labor to strengthen demands made on ownership, do you also favor the collusion of competitors?

Would you find it ethical for apple growers to “organize” in order to maintain a certain price for apples, to the detriment of consumers? How about breadmakers? What about all retailers rigidly adhering to a price structure mutually agreed upon to guarantee, again to the detriment of consumers?

Do employers really treat their staff like dogs unless threatened with a strike? Have a look at the auto & steel industry as well as every other unionized industry which continues to make unrealistic demands, regardless of market conditions. The product which they produce is priced out of the market.

Wage and price controls reward sloth, while failing to reward productivity and ultimately result in a distorted marketplace rife with shortages and higher prices to the consumer. They are not new and reflect the designs of a centrally planned economy, of which the world has had their share. None of these economies come close to the productive output or prosperity produced by a free market model, the likes of which we are slowly (or not so slowly) discarding.

You’re honest about one thing, though. You’re just a driver. You will always need a “greedy” capitalist to provide your employment as you lack the will and the courage to provide jobs for others. If you were a job provider rather than a job holder, you would understand how these very laws supposedly intended to “help the little guy” ultimately screw the little guy by making employment more expensive and ultimately less available.

But I guess there’s always the government to go to as they have an endless supply of money, right? :shock:
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We decided to take the route of not crossing. Except for the security guards (they’re an independent company that is on neither side) and they can meet us at the road.
Unfortunately, there are more local people on the picket line than inside the building, looking at the long term effect when the strike is over we would have more to lose than what we would gain for the short term orders.
Drivers safety is also an issue, I don’t think they would physically hurt him, but the car may be another subject if things start going wrong.
I just have such a difficult time believing that this should be any issue whatsoever. I’m not in a heavy union area so maybe I’m just naive in this department but it is just hard to believe that a pizza delivery place would be held in any negative light for doing what they are in business to do: Deliver pizza. If driver safety or the perception of your company are actually an issue if you deliver to the workers, my already negative view of unions and their members have just been lowered below where I thought possible. What’s the thought process here? Since they’re not currently earning an income, you and your employees should not be able to support your families? Just ridiculous!
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Since you advocate the organization of labor to strengthen demands made on ownership, do you also favor the collusion of competitors?

Would you find it ethical for apple growers to “organize” in order to maintain a certain price for apples, to the detriment of consumers? How about breadmakers? What about all retailers rigidly adhering to a price structure mutually agreed upon to guarantee, again to the detriment of consumers?
Of course not, that is against the law.
Do employers really treat their staff like dogs unless threatened with a strike? Have a look at the auto & steel industry as well as every other unionized industry which continues to make unrealistic demands, regardless of market conditions. The product which they produce is priced out of the market.
Management AGREED to all of the demands. Management failed to maintain a profitable business model in the examples you gave.
Wage and price controls reward sloth, while failing to reward productivity and ultimately result in a distorted marketplace rife with shortages and higher prices to the consumer. They are not new and reflect the designs of a centrally planned economy, of which the world has had their share. None of these economies come close to the productive output or prosperity produced by a free market model, the likes of which we are slowly (or not so slowly) discarding.
If a business cannot pay employees minimum wage, and still be profitable, the business model is faulty.
You’re honest about one thing, though. You’re just a driver. You will always need a “greedy” capitalist to provide your employment as you lack the will and the courage to provide jobs for others. If you were a job provider rather than a job holder, you would understand how these very laws supposedly intended to “help the little guy” ultimately screw the little guy by making employment more expensive and ultimately less available.
Are you trying to say that if I was a business owner instead of an employee that I would understand why it is necessary to be able to ignore the law and exploit employees just for the sake of profits?

Since you seem to be able to assume I lack “the will and the courage†to do something, can I also then assume that you are “greedy†because of the mere fact that you are a capitalist?
Minimum wage laws were put in place due to the repeated and ongoing exploitation of workers in this country. All businesses operate within the framework of laws that exist and many find a way to be profitable within those laws. If you personally find it difficult to comply with the laws that exist, you should make efforts to change them or change your business model to one that is more profitable. Look at your own missteps before you blame the laws on your distress, or expect employees to share the costs of your doing business…
But I guess there’s always the government to go to as they have an endless supply of money, right? :shock:
Only if you believe the liberals.
Look at your own missteps before you blame the laws on your distress, or expect employees to share the costs of your doing business
Lately, “sharing the costs of doing business” equals layoffs, as more and more wage earners are discovering.

I’ve never understood how a person is better off unemployed at $7.25/hr than having a job at $5.15/hr. With the highest level of entry level job unemployment since records have been kept, the Labor Depart wrings its collective hands. Why should they be surprised considering the 40% increase of the minimum wage over the last two years.

But, as you say, more business owners just need to “tinker” with their models to make them more “profitable” within the framework of government rules, regulations, and mandates. To me, that means employing less people (i.e. jobs) and relying more upon technology and/or making do with less.

Our government is beginning to learn that private sector jobs are not dictated by the public sector. An entrepreneur employs the labor of others only when his business can be profitable doing so.

You win gregster! Maybe we can all line up and get business coaching from you as you draw on your wealth of experience in this field. It’s hard to argue your logic. We just all need to work harder and smarter so we can continue to provide employment for your ilk. We certainly wouldn’t want to see you in the bread line!
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