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Hey everyone! Ok, I dont deliver… here is what I need to know.
  1. what percentage of p/u vs. delivery do you do?
  2. What time do u find most people do pick up? Is it between 4-6?
  3. Do u have a figure for how much in actual dollars you do in pick up sales?
  4. What time do u find your most busy doing delivery.
I am thinking that I may have maxed out how much I am going to do in p/u sales, I think that if I want to take it to the next level, it is going to have to be with delivery. What do u think?

Would you have laughable sales if you didnt deliver?

Thanx all!! If you dont want to post publicly but dont mind sharing please pm me or send me an email.
Again thanx muchly
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Generally speaking, I think if people have big dining rooms they can generate good/great sales without doing delivery and do not want the headache associated with delivery. Otherwise, delivery = greater sales. We have always done delivery, but if we were to “introduce” it to an already established store I would think having defined delivery hours would make more sense.

Lunch: Mon - Fri 11 to 1

Dinner: Everyday 4:30 to 8:00

Everyone’s area is unique, but covering those hours would cover probably 90% of our deliveries. If someone calls for a delivery outside of those times do it when you can. Whatever you do, I don’t think its a good idea to make your delivery hours too convoluted. Keep them as consistent as possible.
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I was actually considering, Friday, saturday, maybe sunday. 4 - 8. But just curious how much business it really really is to see if it would be worth it.
Thanxs everyone!
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  1. what percentage of p/u vs. delivery do you do?
During local’s season we do about 70% delivery / 30% carry-out. When the tourists are here it is 80/20.
  1. What time do u find most people do pick up? Is it between 4-6?
Varies by season. In Winter it will be heaviest from 5-7. In Summer it is 6-8.
  1. Do u have a figure for how much in actual dollars you do in pick up sales?
  1. What time do u find your most busy doing delivery.
See answer to question #2
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If I remember correctly though you are strictly take n bake? Your sales will be extremely different than ours.

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Nope, switched to both about a month ago.

And I think my sales would be different then all you guys for sure. Your all doing well, and Im not, lol! That is why I have to stop trying to be different, no one wants different, they want what they want…I better stop now before I rant about mind numbing tv/brain programing, and …nope, not going there…lol

What I want to understand is how much different would my sales look with delivery. I realize no one can tell me exactly, just curious about what difference it is.

The other thing is that I live in a city, i think that might make it different from quiet a few of you who may be in small towns.
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My sales are split 15% carryout and 85% delivery. If I stopped delivery, I wouldn’t keep my store open. I might add a few dollars to my carryout sales at first, but I wouldn’t be able to spend near what I do on marketing and would quickly be forgotten in this convienance oriented society.
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thanx paul, that is what i am thinking. I pre-pizza owner, never ever picked up a pizza, always got it delivered. I think that the only way I am going to survive is to start delivery. At this moment the only way that is going to happen is to have hubby and I doing the delivery. The only way we can do that is to do it only on friday, saturday and sunday. If we see an increase in sales, that will facilitate enough money to hired a driver. I have battled delivery because I know the problems that are attached to delivery with drivers, etc. I have battled this move from the day I opened, but now I am thinking I am spending to much time battling it and just have to get onthe band wagon and get it done. Now is the time to go full out or fold up. One or the other. Time to battle the big boys I am thinking. Something is holding us back, we have had great press, we have excellent customer satisfaction. So something is keeping us down. I started the transistion by starting to bake the pizza’s as well as take-n-bake, now I think it is time to roll out delivery.
My dream has always been to do what I do and do it the best. Do what people want. Is delivery what they want? I am going to find out. I am going to do it Friday - sunday to start. See how it goes from there…
Wish me luck. And any advice is as always, much appreciated.
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Well that is awesome you starting baking. What actually makes you unique to all of us is you have a customer base for take n bake. So I think in time you will see delivery is going to be what can take you to the next level.

Our deliveries run about 40-45% of our sales. We also have dine in & carry out.

My suggestion to you is if you are going to start delivery…be great at it. Learn from us and our mistakes.

As for our delivery peak times 11-1:30 during the days with a mad rush of them for noon.

At night usually between 5-8 but sometimes we are kicking right at 4.

I wouldn’t do a whole lot of we deliver 11-2 and 4:30-7 because you want to get people to call you for delivery and there would be nothing worse than saying “oh yes, we do deliver but not for another hour” During slow periods you can have a cook or someone take the couple deliveries you may get.

This is the key to taking you to the next level, I think. The fact you are now cooking your pizzas is awesome!
Keep trucking…it just takes time…

Just to note…our newer location’s delivery is very unpredictable…some days we might have 8 the whole day and then the next week we will have 50 on the same day of week. People don’t know us as delivery, yet.

Our other location is more established…you can predict within a few when and how many deliveries there will be.

Just keep that in mind if you start delivering and one day you have none…you just gotta keep on keeping on.

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Boxtop your delivery hours starting today so that on come friday some people know that you deliver. Call HTH or autosox and get a couple of carsigns and use them when you are delivering. They work to build your brand awareness and they’ll help get the word out that you are now delivering.
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Boxtop your delivery hours starting today so that on come friday some people know that you deliver. Call HTH or autosox and get a couple of carsigns and use them when you are delivering. They work to build your brand awareness and they’ll help get the word out that you are now delivering.
I took me a long time to come over to this side of the sign fence. I had the opinion that signs made my drivers targets for crime. I now have a sign on every one of my family’s vehicles whether it is in the form of a license plate cover, a logo on the window or a lighted sign on the top of the car. I encourage them to go trolling for business by driving through school zones just as school is letting out or through the business district right at quitting time. Make it so people see your name when they are thinking about what is for supper.
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We have both our delivery cars (and scooter) fully wrapped…getting another one next month…best form of advertising

My suggestion is to keep the hours you DO NOT deliver to a minimum and dont change your policies…it confuses people and they never remember!
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Any chance of staying away from residential delivery? Delivery was always my biggest headache to deal with. I’m not saying that it isn’t worth it… I just don’t know if that is beast you want to wake up. What if you visited 50 businesses in your town that employed a bunch of employees and offered to deliver the T&B pizzas to their office between 4 and 5pm or something. Let them preorder etc, and then you drop them off?
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