Delivery charges

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Do you guys find it is the norm to charge a delivery charge in your area? Local places here are getting $1.50-$2 per delivery to offset their cheap $10.99 large one topping pizzas. As soon as I open I expect them to try and bury me, I would be the only independent operator with delivery for a 10 mile radius.
with gas hovering around 3.00 a gallon with no end in site delivery charge is a MUST, trust me the heat you will get from your drivers and they know they can go to any other store and get a dollar a delivery…
it will help also to take the sting away from the non tippers

(ex driver, current owner…LOL)
with gas hovering around 3.00 a gallon with no end in site delivery charge is a MUST, trust me the heat you will get from your drivers and they know they can go to any other store and get a dollar a delivery…
it will help also to take the sting away from the non tippers

(ex driver, current owner…LOL)
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Very few people in my area seem to mind. We charge a $1.50 and we tend to exagerate a bit by telling our customers " you can hardly back out of your driveway for $1.50" On another note, you plan on have a 10 mile delivery radius? That means 20 miles across. I think thats going to be very very hard to have such a large area. If you get 2 deliverys on seperate ends a driver could be gone for an hour at least.
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I only charge for delivery if the order is less than $20. My average delivery ticket is 27.50, so it is only a small percent who order 1 medium or small pizza and get charged the deli charge.

I keep 100% of the charge because I own all my delivery vehicles, a fleet of 15 scooters, but if your drivers are using their own cars you should kick back part of the charge to them.
We charge 1.99 for all in town deliveries and never have a complaint. That charge is going up to 2.49 next month, along with a jump in my prices. Im in the business to make money and the customer has to pay for it.
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Very well stated.

Not enough business owners will say that, even in private. Some are afraid to raise prices because of fear the customer will flee.

Funny, with every price increase in the last couple of years, it seems our sales VOLUME increases, while sales DOLLAR AMOUNT may not always, due to higher costs as well. IOW, more product out of the kitchen after price increases.
Re: CHRIS’ Delivery charges

So, tell me about your scooters!
I want to do that, but I’ve gotten weird responses (as in “no”) when I probed a little in speaking with insurance agents. The policy that’s going to cover my NON-owned vehicles apparently specifically excludes the use of scooters. Not that I can’t do it as a whole separate thing, but it makes me wonder:

-Do you have special insurance coverage for scooter delivery?
-What kind of scooters are you using?

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Re: CHRIS’ Delivery charges

I’ll add this real quick, because Chris might not get back to the board soon. You have to remember first off that he is in Japan. Scooters as a means of transportation are more common there to start with.
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Re: CHRIS’ Delivery charges

I am using 50cc Honda and Yamaha scooters with delivery boxes on the back, and I have 1-125cc. Just about everyone uses these bikes for delivery(here in Japan), so it was no problem to get insurance. It runs $50-$80 a month per bike.
They are easy to park which is very nice because there is no parking on the street. They get great gas milage, and a full tank costs about $6. If you are interested I can set up shipping for the delivery boxes. There aren’t any suppliers in the states that I know of. There is a picture of one of the bikes that Hell Pizza uses about half way down the page on this link: … llhell.php

This is about what mine look like.

Re: CHRIS’ Delivery charges

Thanks - I will have to figure out the insurance thing here. Even varies state to state - here in CA, almost any scooter is considered a “motorcycle” too, and drivers need a license.

That scooter IS cool! A long time ago I had a handful of delivery scooters, but they weren’t as slick - just had an insulated aluminum box sort of bolted onto the back…
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Re: CHRIS’ Delivery charges

I picked up a '05 TGB Delivery Scooter in the spring…great on gas and fun to drive… i had to have a buddy fix the box to accomodate 18" pies but other than that it has been great. In my state no reg, or motorcyle license req’d b/c less that 50cc.
As far as insurance goes it is not needed, but I would not let any employees use…I use for all errands, nice afternoon deliveries, and commuting home (3/4 mi away).
Turns alot of heads for sure!