Delivery/Delivery Insurance.. How/How well are you covered ?

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I’m very interested in what everyone else is doing to protect themselves. I’m an independent with a little over a million in sales and 25-30% is delivery. I have a 1M separate “non-owned” vehicles policy as well as a very strict requirement mandating that drivers have insurance that specifically includes pizza delivery. It’s not cheap, 5k a year on my end and $1,500 - $2,500 annually for each driver, but they make great money to offset the expense. My drivers get $6.50 phr, $3.00 per delivery, and tips. We estimate that our drivers average 2.5 deliveries p/hr. When not driving, they gladly perform any work assigned from dough to boxmaking.

All comments welcomed… cause it’s always what you don’t know that hurts you most!

Thanks, Fasteddy
Re: Delivery/Delivery Insurance… How/How well are you cover

Who writes your Hired non owned policy? I do about 850K in delivery and the latest quote I recieved was $22000 with a huge deductable. Everyone tells me thats too high, but I can’t find anyone else to write a policy in Florida.
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Re: Delivery/Delivery Insurance… How/How well are you cover


My hired/non-owned is included in my policy as long as delivery is not more than a certain % of my total biz. It is for $1million and I added another $1million umbrella for $750.

PJ referred me to my currect agent who ended up saving me alot of money
Re: Delivery/Delivery Insurance… How/How well are you cover

Unfortunatly, I have run into the problem of the delivery % with most of the companies that I contact. PJ has not been able to help me as of yet as he doesn’t have someone to write in Florida. I guess I’ll keep on searching.
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Re: Delivery/Delivery Insurance… How/How well are you cover


have you tried country companies? just in the past couple of years they started writing for pizza places.

Re: Delivery/Delivery Insurance… How/How well are you cover

never heard of them, but do you have any contact ifo.
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Re: Delivery/Delivery Insurance… How/How well are you cover

have any of you guys tried NAPO -national association of pizza operators they offer all kinds of busness services just for pizza. delivery one of them. when im about to open im going to try. when i inquired about it i live in n.j. the agent told me it is so expensive i couldnt afford it it doesnt suprise me in n.j. if anyone tries it let me know
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Re: Delivery/Delivery Insurance… How/How well are you cover

My Florida Ploicy is with Program Underwriters Inc. in Tampa. Underwriter is Tony Spader 800-282-2033.
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Re: Delivery/Delivery Insurance… How/How well are you cover
have any of you guys tried NAPO -national association of pizza operators they offer all kinds of busness services just for pizza. delivery one of them. when im about to open im going to try. when i inquired about it i live in n.j. the agent told me it is so expensive i couldnt afford it it doesnt suprise me in n.j. if anyone tries it let me know
I now have my insurance through the NAPO program. HRH insurance is the company providing it. The rates are very good.