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Delivery insurance


New member
Who are you using for delivery insurance? Broker? Do you have company cars or just hired and non-owned? Are you happy with them? What kind of reporting requirements do you have to deal with?

(Not wanting to get into the topic of whether you need it, if you think that you don’t, good for you, this question is not for you today)
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We use HRH Willis out of California. They are the “official” insurance provider for the NAPO. My GL, non-owned auto (which will also include company cars if I wish) and Liquor Liability comes in at about $4,000 for a seven figure operation. Our smaller operation comes in at about $3,000. The GL also includes a 2,600 sf full service location - so it’s higher than it would be for a DELCO. The replacement cost there is very high.

Reporting requirements are easy. When a new driver is hired we e-mail a Vehicle Inspection Form (provided by HRH), a current MVR and copy of insurance card. If it’s within California business hours I usually have the approval back within 30 minutes. After that I need a new MVR every six months, and need to send the new insurance card copy when it expires.

The drivers must also study a pamphlet and pass a 25 question exam. The results of that have to be held in their personnel file. It’s kind of a goofy thing, but I’m not about to let the lack of the exam lead to them not paying on a claim.
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Last time I looked at NAPO they required more than 50% of business NOT be delivery to be insured. Is that still the case?
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I had no idea there ever was a restriction - I’m no where near that in delivery so I guess it never came up.

It couldn’t hurt to try. From what I understand they do several Domino’s franchises, so I’m sure there are policies without any restrictions. I should also add that my policy has nothing to do with NAPO - I’m not even a member. I just called them for a quote and they offered me a policy.
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I can confirm that within the last three Pizza Expos, I have been told by HRH that they couldn’t insure me because of my delivery ratio being higher than 50%. I believe that policy has changed based upon a conversation I had this year at Expo. There seems to be a bunch of insurance companies offering policies underwritten by Firemans Fund at the moment. They are pretty restrictive upon who they’ll allow to be hired but seem to be fairly priced. If you like, I can get you a few agents names later in the week.
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Thanks Paul, we have been on the Fireman’s Fund program for a few years. The reporting requirements are a serious PITA and we have had some other headaches with them which is why I am shopping.
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A year or two ago we had to find a new company. Went to a local broker (who we have other insurance with) and he found us some great insurance and rates. The premium is based on delivery sales (which our other insurance was how many drivers we would have on the road) and so we saved a bundle.

We had to sign some stuff which was required for us to do…but not near as strict.

In getting some of the information together for them I realized I had really negleted our delivery information upkeep. Although the insurance company is lax in what is required I did sign I would check their driving record, insurance and etc. which would be pretty basic. BUT what I found interesting is our drivers give us a copy of their insurance card which usually has a 6 month coverage listed but they answered a questionaire they pay monthly. So on a whim I asked the driver I least likely trust to bring me a paid reciept. After 3 days of him not producing I sent him home…low and behold the following day he brings me in a receipt but it was to a different company. He gave me a new insurance card.

I found it very scary. I did not fire the employee (his car ended up breaking down and is not working now) but learned a valuable lesson…It is MY job to make sure my driver’s have insurance. But back to your question I would try a broker.
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We have also had to check on a number of things regularly including driver’s insurance, but the drivers insurance thing does not worry me so much since it is pretty rare for our drivers to drive their own cars… most of the year they only drive our cars.
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