Delivery notifications to customer


New member
Hi, I know there are some good POS systems out there and the newer ones are helping manage deliveries now, where they can track the driver’s location, time of return etc…

Does anybody know of any POS system that will also notify the customer when the driver is on their way, and show the customer the location and ETA of the driver on a map that the customer can view on a web page on their cellphone?

For example, if you call UBER, when the driver is one his way, you see the ETA and location of the driver on a map. I think it would be a nice touch to add that feature to the deliveries and that customers might appreciation it, but it seems like the POS systems I have looked at so far don’t bother with this, and at best, they only track the drivers so that the restaurant itself sees them. That doesn’t reduce customer call ins about their order status, it only allows someone to give them a good answer when they call. But I would think that no call ins, if possible, would be great.

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Our system does it what our driver checks a run out for delivery… It also offers the option to send a new message if the delivery is reassigned… We are using Speedline and have for over 15 years… I will say that I like my system, but I think the software and hardware are dated when it comes to future development of features… They have issues with KDS systems working with Windows 10… I would probably lean towards some of the new technology with cloud based, membership driven software plans, which keeps you up to date with their most modern tech… also I would not invest in anything that was not tablet based as the hardware is so cheap now and over the counter… My hesitation two years ago was the fact that if my internet went down I could not access software, however, my recent discovery of and its mobile back up phone and internet solves that issue and the issue of me being unable to operate when internet goes down…

I know this is way more than you asked for, but if you are going to purchase a system today, I would consider some of these other issues and pick a system that bullet proofs my ability to do business… PS… don’t bother with anything that doesn’t have it’s own robust online ordering system…
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