Delivery time duration


What is best delivery time notification.
We say 60 mins.
And pizza reach within 45 mins.

How we calculate time from order taking till delivery

And what are the best pizza carry bags to keep the pizzas steaming hot when delivered to the customers.
Hope i will get some answers
This is a tricky one - really depends on the town you’re operating in. How densely populated? What is your radius? How many drivers are on at any given time? We quote 45 minutes during normal times and anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half during busier times. We find that most customers are fine with waiting, as long as you’re honest about the time. (don’t say 45 minutes and show up in an hour fifteen) I’d like to hear some bag recommendations as well!
Hello! We deliver in a 6 mile radius, and if it’s slow, we give 35 minutes or so, we give about 45 to an hour if it’s busy. Friday nights we usually get to about an hour and fifteen minutes.
As for delivery bags, look up The Incredible Bags, they have really great insulated bags.