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Design Basics...


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…we’re off on a super big project…maybe a year out or so…

As I scratch my noggin’ and my a$$, I’ve been thinking…

What’s the ‘rule of thumb’ regarding kitchen size vs seating area vs waiting area?

How many seats/people migh one figure per sq. ft.?

Any other thoughts are greatly appreciated…

We’re dealing with 10,000+ sq. ft. (an old railroad freight station)…

For those that remember Victoria Station, we’ll have a few dining cars outside & a steam engine…

Inside we’ll probably have 2 or 3 sub-themes…one featuring a charcoal oven…

We’d like to have a dedicated banquet hall…

There is an additional 1200 sq. ft. patio as well…
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With that vast amount of a space available, I am guessing you will have enough room to do a separate cold-prep kitchen out of view with cold storage, dough work area, and an exhibition-style/open-kitchen concept to show off that oven a little bit?

I do not know of any “Rules” for proportions, but if I was doing this I would look at my maximum seating capacity that I’d want first, since that governs everything else including oven(s), what zoning is going to throw at you for fire-sprinklers, ADA compliant restrooms, how many available stalls in them, etc.
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We have a vanilla shell, with 12’ ceilings…

We’ll need to cut concrete for plumbing, bathrooms, septic etc…

Natural gas is across the street…

An exhibition kitchen(s) is mandatory…

The city will work with us on many issues, as this may be a ‘pearl’ in their downtown development plans (already in implementation).

The major partner operates a casework/millworker facility, with a huge /serious CNC machine and has done restaurant interiors before…)
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Hi Patriot:

The first step that we would take in determining answers to your questions would be to determine your Menu.

The size of the kitchen will depend not only on the size of your facility but on your menu.

We would be happy to do a preliminary floor plan for you at no charge.
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check with your fire marshall regarding people/sq ft. the international standards have that all spelled out.
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