Diced Pepperoni


Well-known member
Is anyone using diced pepperoni at all? We aren’t yet, but have considered it for speed reasons. Were considering using it on all Specialty pizzas with pepperoni since it’ll be covered and no one will see it, then having it as an option on our online ordering for customers to select which they would want. If a few people do it each day, it’ll make some impact at least. Anyone using it? Tried it? Crashed and burned in the wrath of customers with it?

I have not used it, but it could probably be used as an additional pepperoni topping for a new specialty pizza. That is how I would use it. But not to replace regular pepperoni though.
One of my distributors called me up a year ago and asked me if I would buy off the last of their stock of diced pepperoni at a rate of buy 1 get 2 free. They had brought it in for another customer, then the customer stopped using that product.
Anyway I said sure bought one case they gave me one free case not 2 like promised but I didn’t care, I used it on our pepperoni lovers pizza.
The customer who had my vendor bring it in used it for pepperoni rolls.
It seems like too much of a specialty item I wouldn’t rely on it always being available
We’ve been using diced for many years as a premium option, for our mozzarella rolls, and for our best-selling Signature pepperoni pie with three different types of pepperoni, traditional (similar to Hormel), a smoked-cupping style and the diced. It works extremely well for us.
Revisiting this idea. We haven’t pulled the trigger on it, but labor has gotten mostly worse. Staff isn’t as nearly seasoned as the time of this original post and we’re busier than we were last year. Anyone make the switch in the last year? Any customer issues with it?