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Difference between MM JS350 and the PS360


New member
What is the difference between MM JS350 and the PS360 double deck conveyors?

I was told that they are both the same except that the PS360s are the newer design and are just easier to clean, otherwise they are the exact same with the parts, bake times, energy efficiency… is that all that’s different?

Thanks all for the help!
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energy efficiency? Also, I have a quote from a guy for 7500 for the double stack 360 s with delivery and install and 30 day warranty. But there from 1990. Is that still a great deal?
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I have bought a handful of these ovens over the years and never paid close to that amount

This spring I picked up a double stack of PS360WB ovens for 2000 dollars
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The guy is getting me pictures today… said the controller is the newer digital style…

Jokerherm, where are you finding them? I look on eBay all the time and the prices are scattered from $5k for a double stack, to $12k for a single unit.
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Mainly on craigslist

Ebay is over priced. It’s like paying retail now. Very hard to get a killer deal nowadays
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