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Sooo here is some GREAT NEWS, I have got my direct mail piece price to .14 cents each
The post office has rolled out this program…EVERY DOOR DIRECT MAIL…Threw the USPS!
here are some of the details.
* Customer must have a USPS business Customer Registration Identification (CRID)
* Mailing includes standard mail flats only
* Each mailpiece must be equal to or less than 3.3 ounces
* Each mailpiece must display special indicia or permit imprint
* Each retail unit submission must include a minimum of 200 mailpieces; but not exceed 5,000 mailpieces per day
* Mailing must be accompanied by PS Form 3602RTL, which includes delivery statistics documentation
* Postage rate of 14.2¢ charged for each mailpiece
* Postage is paid in full at the retail unit
IT was so easy after I talked to the business solutions people…
here is all I did to meet the requirements.
first the weight, I did have to get 40lb stock paper
I did an 81/2 by 11 sheet of paper, did the fold at 6.5 (the 2 inch fold is required! so I used it for my coupons
I signed up on line at the usps (FREE) for my account number or as they call it Customer Registration Identification (CRID) write this number down!
then you go here and click yes! … 6a36643e54
it will redirect you to a page you need to select
by zipcodes
next you put in your zipcode (to the right you need to select if you want po boxes, businesses
click submit
step 2 you will now see all the postal routes in your area.
now you can choose where to mail, I am doing one zone at a time right now.
you will also notice your total on the right which changes each and every time you add or remove routes. remember you can only do 5000 to stay within this program so if you have a zone of 10,000, you would need to do it once for today and once tomorrow
I suggest that you may want to have a free account at mellissa data
that way you can see the carrier MAPS. the usps probably has one too, I just haven’t went looking for it.
step 3 simply put in your business name and the post office you will be dropping off at
STEP 4 generates you a bill, print that off.
step 5 you will have to bundle your menu’s or fliers into bundles of 50, so when you go to step 5 you need print off enough to have one for each bundle for example If I am mailing 600 pieces I need 12 of these printed off. EACH one only has 3 questions…route number, bundle number (1of 12, 2 of 12, 3 of 12 and so on…and how many per bundle (50 except for the last one…if your route has, say 642, your last bundle will only have 42 in it.)
step 6 choose retail document 3602 RTL simple 6 or 7 questions and here is where you put your Customer Registration Identification (CRID)
THAT IS IT…here is the best part
here is the label that needs to be printed (along with the carrier route number in the right hand side
here is your indicia (stamp)
here is the link to the program… … retail.htm
Brad Randall and Deaconvolker, we have the same USPS consultants… and they said they would love to walk you through the first mailing. They sat down with me and did everything the first time…the design, the weight, EVERYTHING! that’s some good tax dollars at work. they also go with you to the post office to make sure THEY KNOW exactly how it works…I am soooo excited it really will be a great RIO. I am mailing 792 on wednesday the 20th, I was GUARANTEED THEY WILL BE IN HOMES THURSDAY OR FRIDAY AT THE LATEST! all for $112.46
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That services sounds alot like unaddressed admail we have in Canada…And quite an improvement over the way you had to do it in the past…Good luck…
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Rockstar pizza:
here is the label that needs to be printed (along with the carrier route number in the right hand side
Did you acutally print a lable for each piece or have the “lable” and indicia printed on the piece by your printer during the printing process?

Were any tabs required to secure the fold?
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Every Door Direct Mail is a great program - nice post! Check out this new “Point & Click” tool that allows you to simply target your local area…(requires free account so that you can save your work, takes 2 secs)

  1. Enter Your Restaurant Address
  2. “Point & Click” on the local areas you want to target
  3. Save your query or order mailers
I also made a video with answers to the Top 5 Questions we receive about Every Door Direct Mail. I put it up on YouTube if you’d like to check it out.

Rockstar, it was great catching up with you in Las Vegas, and I enjoyed your article in the magazine - congrats!
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hey chris, want to get with you after I get this down some I want to have you give me a quote of an 8by10 folded on at least 40lb stock
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Thank you so much for bringing this new program to our attention. This has gotten me real excited! No more peeling and sticking labels and stamps! I used to have mailing companies do bulk mail for me but I found more success when I could control which day they landed in the mailboxes, so it was worth the extra postage to send them regular mail. You mentioned that you were guaranteed that your pieces would hit homes in 1-2 days. Will this always be the case? If my mailings are guaranteed to reach homes in 1-2 days, I’m signing up tomorrow! This will save me over $200 a week and I will be able to send flyers instead of postcards.

How come you had to use 40 lb. paper? The guidelines say that each mailpiece must be equal to or less than 3.3 ounces. I use 100 lb. flyers and they only weigh 0.3 ounces each. Am I misunderstanding this?
Also, you said that you had a USPS consultant walk you through your first mailing. How did you go about finding a consultant to help you? Do most Post Offices have a consultant available to help business owners?

Thanks, Roger
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because I take them directly to the post office that will be delivering them, MY POSTMASTER assured me that next day or the second at the most. IF you take them directly to yours I wouldn’t see why it would be any difference. I am told it doesn’t change hands, therefore it can leave straight threw the system.

I had to use 40lb paper the guide lines state that they have to be more than .007 in width, 20lbstock is .0038, your 100lb will be very sufficient.

I see my consultant again Wednesday, He said if you give him your zip code that you will be mailing from he can give you the contact info of your UPS business consultant

I have the next months printing done but I am gonna get with Chris and get mine done there (cant beat the 10000 price… but I will have to get a stamp to put the route numbers on them.
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Thanks for the help Rockstar. My zipcode is 13126. So you’re getting your flyers from Taradel? How much are you paying for 10,000?
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Rockstar pizza:
but I will have to get a stamp to put the route numbers on them.
No need for the route number on each piece…just needs to be on the facing slip.

“The route number is required on Facing Slip (bundle identification label) and is optional in the address area.”

The above was copied directly from the usps website and has been confirmed to me by our local post office.
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ROGER Jeffy Costello is the Business Specialist for that zip. 315-452-3463…He is on vacation this week! If he has any questions he can email her at [email protected]
Royster they were there monday LOL
talked to them today and they pulled those requirements. as Chris can tell you there have been dozens of changes over the last 2 weeks…there goal really has been to make it as easy as possible.


CURRENTLY the magnets do not meet the dimension requirements but I was told those may be evolving soon today.
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Rockstar pizza:
I have the next months printing done but I am gonna get with Chris and get mine done there (cant beat the 10000 price… but I will have to get a stamp to put the route numbers on them.
What size print piece are you mailing? Is it a postcard or just a flyer?

I’ve been using postcards primarily, but the cost to just print flyers would be alot cheaper if the post office accepts them. I can’t seem to find the specs on
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Does it have to be folded? I have some 65# (176 g/m2) 8.5 x 11 that I wouldn’t mind moving out. Single sheet, printing on both sides, enough space for indicia.

How about 6x11? The USPS EDDM web sites with all their ‘or’s’ kind of throw me off.
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