Good job with sales. Keep it up. Also, thanks for backing me on what I was saying. While they do give you good response and you’re happy with it as long as you stay on them to put your ad in the first 5 or so, let’s look at your returns:
40,000 addresses
hundreds of coupons redeemed (we’ll say 200 since you say hundreds)
200 divided by 40,000 as a percent = .5% return
Now, of course, you might have meant 300
300 divided by 40,000 as a percent = .75% return
The thing you said that amazes me is that you’ve sent these out every month for two years and they’ve only gotten stronger. If that’s the case, when you first started were you averaging much less return? Like just a hundred?
100 divided by 40,000 as a percent = .25% return
I’m sure you know since you’ve apparently done this for a while, that when you’re just getting started or you’re a little bit lower in volume than a great place like yours, the advertising budget you have isn’t exactly limitless. You need to pick and choose which avenues work the best for the money you spend. I’m sure you’ll agree with me that if you truly look at the numbers you posted that maybe, for a small pizzeria with a small advertising budget, there might be better things out there that will give them a bigger bang for their buck?
I’m totally not shooting down ValPak because they are just one of the many who do the same type of bulk mail. I guess all I’m trying to say is if you’re a smaller independent, don’t count on this to be your savior because it simply will not happen. Yes it will give you a few new customers and yes, over time you will probably build your customer base to a much larger scale than what you’ve got now. Also, since they do the bulk mail thing, prices are usually much cheaper than they would be if you were to do solo mail.
This is your crossroads where you’ll have to make a decision on if you want to go to the saturation route or if you want more of a direct mail type approach. Neither are wrong. One route is good for some while other routes are good for others. -J_r0kk