Do you charge an online order fee?


New member
historically we have been primarily a dine in restaurant with only about 10-15% of sales being takeout and prior to covid hadn’t offered online ordering or delivery. now in the shifting age of covid, our model has obviously changed with a shift to 50%+ being takeout and now adding online ordering. and to clarify, i’m talking about our own online ordering through our pos (speedline), not 3rd party online+delivery platforms like ubereats/grubhub.

wondering whos charging an online order fee and why or whynot?

things we’re considering in this decision…
  • there are additional costs to us in monthly fees and ‘card not present’ credit card rates
  • there are savings to us in that we’re not paying a server (not specific to online orders, but togo orders)
  • there are lost sales for togo/online orders in alcohol and other addon sales
  • we are not typically a nickel and diming sort of place and kinda feels like a moneygrab.
  • but there’s a convenience factor of online ordering and that has value.
  • we’re all just trying to survive covid however we can.
You can’t charge a surcharge for SpeedDine currently. You would have to have a tender surcharge on all order types, unless you change your online orders to go to a different border type such as bar or eat in, etc. This is on the test track
I wouldn’t do it. I haven’t sern any restaurant charge to order online.

The only time I can remember paying an onine order fee was when I was buying concert tickets and I was charged a convience fee to input all my info myself. I want my customers to only order online (thats the dream) so I wouldn’t to hinder that.
The 3rd party apps have been playing around with this. They are calling it a service charge and customers are paying it. I personally wouldn’t do it.
We give coupons / discounts for online only orders. Train your customers to order online. They will spend more and save you time on the phones. Less chance for mistakes - that is how THEY placed the order. Online orders 28% of orders last month, 37% of sales.
The first week I had my online ordering going it cost me about $1.50 per order. If I compare that to what it cost for third party service, where I pay $0.99 per order just for them to take payments, it was a major saving. Each week the online ordering ends up costing even less per order. I would say it is a no-brainer not to charge a fee.
What do you mean by similar restaurants dear can you please guide me as well because I am doing this in my surrounding area from a year but not a fruit full result is found.
Please explain a little but…