We offer all of our special combos in all three sizes (12,14,16). To a certain extent, I think you will sell the most of whatever you call “large”. We do have offers that are only valid on a large (16) and others that are valid on a medium or a large (14,16). Pan pizza uses a large doughball, but we only sell 5-10 of those a day.
Our year round location sells all three sizes and 16 outsells 12 and 14 combined. Right now the daily prep “build to” for dough sizes depending on the day of the week is about 22-33 small, (also used for calzones and strombolli), 16-32 medium, and 72-120 large doughballs. Those ratios are determined using sales history by size per thousand in forcasted sales.
To create the “build to” I took a 90 period and counted out the number of orders by size and created a prep spreadsheet in excel linked to the sales forcast. It takes the number of each size per thousand in sales (determined by the 90 day study) and applies it to the sales forcast that I make and divides that by the number of doughballs per tray.
The shift manager looks at the print out when he gets there in the AM which tells him how many trays of each size should be in the walk-in. He subtracts the number left from that night before and that is what he has to make.