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Do You Include Anything With Your Pizza In The Box?


New member
The tradition at our shop has always been to add a side of honey. I know PJ’s does garlic butter and a pepperoncini.

Since we’re moving to a new location, renaming and all, I’m thinking about dropping the honey. It’s one of those things that was a great idea 15 years ago, but the price of honey now just seems to brutal to justify anymore. I’m curious if anyone has any creative ideas that their customers like.
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This one threw a curve at me. Honey? I have never seen nor thought about using honey as a dipping side. That said, with honey being as costly as ever…I would say if you are re-imaging the whole place with concept and name… drop the honey. Unless you have a very loyal and strong following for it…work on just making a great pie and let that stand for itself. This way you can also say that the others offer dipping sauces to cover up the poor taste of their pies from the low quality ingredients they use! :idea:
I asked the customers, of a place I once delivered for, if they ever used the sauce or ate the pepperocini that was included with their order. The results of this unscientific survey was enough for me to forgo including anything in the box when I opened my own store. If memory serves me correctly less than one third of the customers used/ate it so I decided that I would leave it out and keep the costs down. I have about 1 in 50 customers that ask if a dip is included.
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We get occasional requests for a side of pizza sauce or ranch. Both are on the menu and we charge for them.
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A couple of shops ago, we were trying to build wing sales…we put a wing in the box w/our house sauce…worked well!
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