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Do you sell a pizza/breadstick/drink bundle? What do you call it?


New member
My only competitor sells a bundle and calls it the “Party Pack”. Everybody is asking me when I’m going to sell a “party pack” like them. I’m ready to sell one, but I need a name! I’ve asked everyone I know and even posted a contest on facebook but nobody has come up with a good name for it. I know ya’ll can help me out! I have specialty pizzas with the words, classic, combo and special in the name so I’d like to stay away from those three words. Please help!
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We call our bundle the Crazy Aver’s Deal.

It used to be called the Crazy 8 Deal 20-some years ago when our competitor called theirs the Big 10 Bargain. Ours was $8, theirs was $10. Pretty clever, except inflation makes sticking to a price more and more difficult! First we were $8 tax included, then $8 +tax, then $8.88 tax included, followed by $8.88 plus tax… you see where this is going.

Now it’s $12.99 + tax and delivery with no mention of the price in the name. So my suggestion from experience is to not tie yourself to or brand your deal with a price. Think Subway’s lesson in $5 devaluing. Set a discount/price you can live with and raise it a little bit every year!

C.G.'s Care Package. C.G.'s Big Bundle or Big Bargain. C.G.'s “Threebie”?

Edit: Oh, and something we did that our competitors had to adapt to. Our deal was for a Medium pizza, sticks and 2 drinks. We’ve since added 2 cookies to sweeten the deal (to counter what one competitor was doing and to flank another) and we offer the ability to “upsize” the pizza to a Large for $2.50 more or to an Extra-large for $5.00 more. Think of ways you can take what they’ve done and make it even better or more customizable!
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Single Meal Deal

We do 2 pizzas and bread and 2ltr and call it Family deals - we used to have names for each size - Dinner Pak (medium) Sweet Deal (Large and pitched with dessert bread instead of cheesebread) and Mega Pak (XL)
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I just call mine Family Meal Deal. 1 Large 1 topping, breadsticks, tossed salad, and 2 liter of soda for $22. It’s basically a $4 discount so they can add toppings or whatever addons they want to.
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I have never had great success with bundles but it sure seems like a lot of you do. It has been some time since I tried one so maybe time to give it a shot again…

Thinking of 14" one-top, family size salad & two pints of ice cream for $30.00. Upgrade to 16" for $2.50 etc. That would be $6.00 off our menu price.
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I ended up calling it “The Bundle”…I rolled it out this weekend and we have sold a ton! I’m doing a large 1-topping pizza, small cheesestick and gallon of sweet tea OR 2 liter of pop for $15 plus tax. About half of the buyers were new customers that hadn’t been in yet (cheapskates). LOL
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Facebook and a sign I have out front. One of those big lighted signs that you put letters on. Totally worth the $404 it cost!
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Round table sells a pizza called the triplle play and may have that name service marked for pizza. Something simple and short. MEAL DEAL, or if you like tripple play but cant use becouse of round table. How about the tripple threat. Or tripple treat
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