Do you use display cases?


PMQ Editor at Large
We’re currently putting together an article about display cases for our September Show issue and need your expertise to complete the piece! Contact out managing editor, Jim Dees, at [email protected] or 662-234-5481, ext. 129, if you use display cases in your pizzeria and can share your knowledge with other PMQ readers.

Liz Barrett
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we have been using a refridgerated display case and it has paid for itself in a year.Basically we offer 8 different desserts and wasn’t selling many due to servers failing to upsell or even suggest dessert.After installing a true rotating display case in the dining room dessert sales are up 650%.Now even if servers dont offer dessert our guests cant miss the "tower of power"and often ask about the scrumptious selection. 😉
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We just snagged a couple of nice refrigerated grab and go cases for salads, desserts, drinks etc. We hope they will help with the lunch business.
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