Does anyone else use Aloha??


New member
We installed Aloha systems at 3 of our locations in January. We heard great things about the system and liked the demos that we did. However, we are discovering basic things that the system can’t do. I was wondering if anyone here had any experience and came up with any was to work around some of its limitations. The main issues are:

-You can’t change an order from take out to delivery or vice versa
-You can’t select more then one pizza cook mod. I.e. “thin crust” and “well done” you can only select “thin crust” or “well done”
-You can’t resend take out slips to kitchen (if the slip falls behind make table or otherwise gets lost).
-Add-ons can only be sent on separate ticket, you can’t have a “master slip”

Just looking to see if anyone with this system had any input
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