Does anyone use Aldelo pos?

Im currently looking at the same system and would like any feedback available on it also
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Adelo absolutely sucks. Their marketing features are useless, and there is no database maintenance functionality at all. The customer support is also less than helpful (feel free to PM me for some samples of the email garbage I got from them).

Be especially careful if you buy through a dealer. I consulted for a chain, they had an Adelo system that they bought through a dealer who later stopped selling Adelo products, and Adelo refused to support the system at all. Giving some excuse that the owner was not the registered buyer, it was the dealer who had installed the system, who they knew was no longer working with them.

POSPizza costs significantly less, and using your database for direct mail marketing will pay for the program in 1 month (the hardware, probably a bit longer, but sourcing cheaply is very easy). NextPOS is also a good option. Installing a cheaper system and upgrading later is a much better deal than buying something expensive in the first place and getting stuck with it.
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I have worked at quite a few different pizzerias & restaurants and out of all the POS systems that I have come across, I would say that Aldelo is by far the best and most streamlined system. The restaurant/pizzeria that I currently work at has dining room seating for 100+, and additionally 40% of our business comes from the counter (i.e. take out/delivery/slices) - Aldelo is able to not only satisfy our needs, but goes above and beyond. While I cannot comment on the database/data mining functions/CRM Management aspects of the Aldelo POS (on account that I don’t think any of my previous managers have ever been astute enough to even use these features), I still maintain that this POS is far superior to RPower, Pizza Director, & Micros. Here are some key features that I like about Aldelo:
  • For counter use, it is excellent. It’s quite streamlined and designed for the fast pace environment without sacrificing quality. Ringing up slices is a breeze & placing/recalling take out orders is instantaneous .
  • For the people answering the phone, it is quick and easy to take orders of any type; take out & delivery.
  • The order taking interface is extremely easy to use, yet maintains functionality. The modifier menu (which can be programmed in) is essential for not only phone order taking, but easy for the waitstaff to use, especially when busy. Custom modifiers, while a touch cumbersome (shouldn’t even be needed if you do your due diligence in programming the modifiers by dish), get the job done and save any imaginable request along with an upchagre (if applicable). This takes the guess work out of everything.
  • For delivery aspects, it is great. It allows you to create drive profiles and assign deliveries. It tracks delivery times, departure/arrival times, and total sales per driver. When closing out everything at the end of the night, this POS really automates the cashing-out process. Every driver is presented with a total on what they need to pay (= complete delivery total - credit card total - credit card gratuities), and then they can be closed out. Furthermore, it also tracks customer spend by address/phone number.
  • For the waitstaff this POS is a necessity. The table coordination section is absolutely amazing and simple to use. Entering orders is a breeze, and “fire” options allow the waitstaff to coordinate table delivery quite easy. As with the delivery drivers, all waitstaff have their own passcodes allowing you to keep track of their sales. Closing them out is as simple as pulling their report and having them pay their cash balances. Tips on credit cards are adjusted after the tables are closed out, and are reflected in total need to be paid.
  • For managerial/administrative purposes, this point of sale is good as well. While I probably don’t use more than 2% of its capabilities, it still does far beyond what I would ever need. Simple reporting is easy not only to pull up, but to read & understand as well. Open order reports allow you to catch errors and see what checks are open and remain unpaid. Sales by category is a nice, quick little feature as well. It tracks payroll by employees signing in and out, however where I work we don’t use the POS payroll options. Gift card creation & integration is simple and fast, and easy to keep track of. Furthermore, the ability to settle/alter/add or remove gratuities from credit cards (before the draw is closed for the day) is absolutely amazing. It’s great if you make a mistake, need to credit a customer, need to alter an order, need to add, remove, or alter a tip when deemed appropriate - all this without needing to call the credit card company!
Nothing is without drawbacks, so here are my two negative views about the system:
  • Our system runs a little slow - but this is probably due to the fact we are working with outdated (4+ years old) & poorly maintained equipment.
  • The biggest problem that I have with the system (which is quite a minor one in retrospect)is its ability to place future orders. If you need to enter an order for a future time, you need to use what is called a “hold” function. This notes in the computer that the specified order is only to be produced or closed out on the day noted. If using to place an order for the same day, but for a later time, there is no problem with this function. However, when used with orders for tomorrow +, it becomes a little quirky. It still recognizes the ticket, but it becomes very difficult to do advanced payment via credit card - as it will automatically close the check if charged at a previous time. What this will do is essentially “lose” your order in the system, rendering it very difficult to add a tip or make changes because the credit cards are batched (should be) daily. This can be avoided however by one of two ways - by keeping a manual ledger of the order and then entering it on the day needed, or (how we do it) by entering the order in the POS ahead of time, taking the customer CC #, and then running the credit card just as the food is about to be delivered/picked up. This pretty much avoids 100% of this problem. Mind you, this happens very seldom, and really only with catering orders.
So I will say that overall this is an excellent system. While it may not be the cheapest system, or best database oriented system; I believe its superior usability & functionality far out weigh the cons.

I hope this helps.
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Yeah. Thanks for your first post there. Streamlined is great, but seriously. Revention kicks your ass.

Bottom line, Adelo customer service sucks.
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Aldelo pos

Hello to all of you Aldelo pos users…
I saw that some of you are really not happy with Aldelo corp. support. As an alternative, you can contact me. As an Aldelo reseller, I have done Aldelo pos support for the past 11 years. If Aldelo program doesn’t provide the features you are looking for, then there is nothing we can do. However, if you need the 24/7, call taken live 90% of the time without hold, then contact me. I have customers on my support since 1998 (before I became Aldelo reseller which I sold them). Aldelo is a very good system despite the fact that their support may not be of everyone 's liking. Aldelo’s Pizza building is the most user frienly to set up and use I have seen. Contact me and let me deal with them if a call to them is abolutely necessary. Send me a PM and I will give you all my infomation.
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Aldelo pos

Hello to all of you Aldelo pos users…
I saw that some of you are really not happy with Aldelo corp. support. As an alternative, you can contact me. As an Aldelo reseller, I have done Aldelo pos support for the past 11 years. If Aldelo program doesn’t provide the features you are looking for, then there is nothing we can do. However, if you need the 24/7, call taken live 90% of the time without hold, then contact me. I have customers on my support since 1998 (before I became Aldelo reseller which I sold them). Aldelo is a very good system despite the fact that their support may not be of everyone 's liking. Aldelo’s Pizza building is the most user frienly to set up and use I have seen. Contact me and let me deal with them if a call to them is abolutely necessary. Send me a PM and I will give you all my infomation.
Hi there, I do have some questions from this system, we have used this software since 2009, and did have the problems with management challengs.
If you can give me any advice that will be very helpful. Please let me know if there is any way to talk with you by the phone. Thanks.
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Hi there, I do have some questions from this system, we have used this software since 2009, and did have the problems with management challengs.
If you can give me any advice that will be very helpful. Please let me know if there is any way to talk with you by the phone. Thanks.

If you still need assistance I will be glad to help. Feel free to call me anytime at (520)-490-3829.

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