Dog bit Driver


New member
Yesterday afternoon we had a driver deliver to a teenage daughter of one of our regular customers that orders at least once a week for 15 years. The daughter was home alone at the time. She opened the door to get the pizza and their 11 year old Yorkie ran out and bit my driver on the ankle, drawing blood. The dog also nipped the girl as she pulled the dog away. My driver has two small holes in her ankle. The customer was very apologetic and got us shot records within about 30 minutes, emailed from her vet (also a customer). She normally shuts the dogs up in a back room when pizza is being delivered and her daughter did not think to do this.
The driver worked until closing and then said it was hurting and she was going to the doctor to get checked in the morning so probably wouldn’t be able to work.
This evening I got a call from the customer and my driver had called her and asked about getting not only doctor bills paid but lost wages and tips. Mind you, this is a bit from an 8 pound dog with failing teeth.
She originally said she was going to the doctor on her insurance, but surprise her insurance is lapsed. I started a Workmans Comp claim tonight which I offered to do when she first said she wanted to see a doctor but what to do about lost wages. I believe she could work if she wanted to, but is trying to milk this for everything she can. She did not see doctor today because her insurance has lapsed so she is going to miss tomorrow while she tries to get seen.
Any suggestions on how to proceed?
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You probably need to have her get a Functional Abilities form completed…And quickly make an offer of modified duties until she can resume regular duties…Make sure the offer includes transportation if she claims she can not drive and/or very simple tasks like answering the phone, folding boxes, etc…
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I would follow royster13’s advice. He once was an insurance adjuster.
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Good news, the doctor was brutally honest. Treatment required : minor first aid . Work status: Full Duty!
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Ahh, I am so sorry for this situation. For dog, driver and daughter. Anyway at least doctor was honest. I wish the driver gets well soon!

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