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Domino's changed their entire pizza

Looks like Domino’s has changed everything about their pizza - the sauce, the crust and the cheese. Wonder if this is going to work out like “New Coke”? Anyone else heard anything about this? I understand that the garlic smell is overwhelming.

Here is what is says on the box:
Dominos new pizza. 50 years in the making. Our hand-tossed pizza is new. It’s not a slightly altered version of the old pizza. It’s not the same old product in a fancy new wrapper. It’s a completely new pizza from the crust up. And we’re pretty doggone proud of it. Because while it doesn’t take long for you to get one, it’s taken us 50 years to create a pizza of the perfectitude. Fify years worth of listening to feedback, tasting cheese, crafting sauces and trying every possible combination of combinations we could think of. So what’s new about it? For starters, everything: our cheese made is 100% real mozzarella and flavored with just a hint of provolone. Our sauce with a does of spicy red pepper to put a spring in your step. And our garlic-seasoned crust with a rich, buttery taste. Now you may be wondering, is this really different? Will it be as good as they say? Well, there’s only one way to find out. Take a bite. Then if someone asks if we actually abandoned our old recipe and completely revamped our pizza, you can tell 'em… Oh yes we did.
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Hmmmm…pretty nifty idea but it is still Dominoes. Probably gonna raise their prices too.
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Hmmmm…pretty nifty idea but it is still Dominoes. Probably gonna raise their prices too.
I dunno. Hard to imagine a brand totally changing its product from one day to the next.

As for raising their prices, not around here. Still doing large 1 toppings with extra cheese for $5.99. The “introductory” offer is supposedly 2 medium 2 toppings for $5.99 each.
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Just read this over at Domino’s Claims Victory With Pizza Makeover Strategy

And an interesting tidbit I gleaned from the article:
Len Lodish, professor of marketing at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, cited an empirical study conducted by the school in 1995 that showed when an increase in advertising resulted in a sales gain, the following year held on to 70% of the sales bump, and the third year carried over 30% of the original benefit.
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They did not totally change their pizza, they doctored it up by brushing the crust with a garlic butter and changing the cheese. It is still cheap low quality pizza.
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No matter what changes are made
Once tainted, the mud sticks
Current generation will remember the poor quality
The next generation will only know the new formula

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Most of the folks on TT are in the “pizza” business…You drive business by quality food and service…Whereas the big 3 are in the “marketing” business…So when Dominos stepped up their marketing it obviously would have an impact…But they have to keep marketing or it will slow down…
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