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Door Hangers


New member
I want to start a door hanging campaign, and I read that you should hit the same houses 4 times in 30 days. My question is, should I do a different offer each time, or should I use the same offer?
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I do not think there is a “stock” 1 size fits all answer…It will depend on your market, competition, prices, history, etc…

IMO 4 times in 30 days will annoy folks but it will really depend on how aggressive your competition is…You have to match or exceed the efforts of your competition…I think 1 every 4 to 6 weeks is a good range…

As far as offers, I would start with no offers or less aggressive ones and work your way up…When was the last time you delivered menus / magnets to these homes?..Maybe all you need to do is “wake” these folks up? While aggressive deals to seem to work, they are also hard to lose once folks get hooked on them…

Good luck…
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On quick note on doorhanging…

No question that it is a powerful “street team” approach to marketing which can drive sales.

However, be mindful of the neighborhoods you target. They are the life of your business, and if they are annoyed, aggravated, or displeased that you doorhang – it could get ugly.

There is a growing “green” movement in many areas of the country who consider doorhanging as “Litter” or “Trash”. Whether you agree with this or not, it is certainly worth consideration.

All it takes is one upset person to spread the word in local social media circles.

Best of luck!
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Hi wjcraig2003,
When you ask whether or not you should change the offer each time are you considering just running only 1 offer on the door hanger or multiple offers? What do you plan on putting on the back side of the door hanger? Let me know and I can provide some more specific feedback.

Josh Davis
Vice President of Sales
Mail Shark
Direct: 484-948-1611
E: [email protected]
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Would never do this where I live. Along with flyers under the windshield wiper, this would be considered just so much litter and would seriously P.O. people in my town. No way. Never.
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One of the chains in my neighborhood puts hangers on our door about once a month. Always startles me when I see someone walking up to the door but besides that I use the coupons regularly. They are double sided. Coupons on one side, store info on the back. The specials match the jumbo flyers I receive from them in the mail. I’ve seen the kids passing them out stop and talk about the restaurant with neighbors from time to time.
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Hi wjcraig2003,
When you ask whether or not you should change the offer each time are you considering just running only 1 offer on the door hanger or multiple offers? What do you plan on putting on the back side of the door hanger? Let me know and I can provide some more specific feedback.

Josh Davis
Vice President of Sales
Mail Shark
Direct: 484-948-1611
E: [email protected]
Hi Josh, sorry it has been so long. I was planning on having 4 coupons on the door hanger. My question is, should I change the offers next time I hit the same area?
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Door hanging and flyers on windshields are not allowed in our town, check your local ordinances. All though they say “any publicity is good publicity” to have your business highlighted on the local news for violating laws might not be what you are looking for.
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Door hanging and flyers on windshields are not allowed in our town, check your local ordinances. All though they say “any publicity is good publicity” to have your business highlighted on the local news for violating laws might not be what you are looking for.
Just in your town? Or is this a state law?
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Just in your town? Or is this a state law?
Not sure Missy, just know that it is severely frowned upon by the 2 cities I have done business in. Not sure if it is city or state.
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