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Dough Boot Camp--water temp formula


New member
Does anyone have that formula handy, and would you share it please? Privately is OK, if you prefer.

Being out of the restaurant for a couple years, I’ve found many things that have evolved, which usually is for the better, or been flat out changed, which usually is for the worse.

Among other things, the dough recipe the one that is COMPLETELY wrong, according to most opinions, but it works has been obliterated. They’ve gone to using volume for everything but flour, not measuring anything on the make table, and other things that absolutely tick me off.

First things first, because I think I can take care of the other problems. Water temperature has been a problem from day one in this location.

I talked with Bill Weekly in late '13, better than a year and a half after attending the boot camp in Vegas, and his advice made all the difference. But, now, I can’t find the formula for water temp. I remember it combines dough temp and ambient room temp to result in water temp needed to achieve what, 80 degree final product? But, there’s more to it, and I can’t find my spiral bound handout. What I’d set out at the restaurant has long disappeared.

Incidentally, anyone in the pizza business who HASN’T worked with Bill and/or Tim is missing out on a grand opportunity. Tom Lehmann, too. Those 3 are the master brain trust of the pizza dough industry. Get to Vegas, and attend both parts of the Boot Camp.
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the one I have is: (Ideal finished temp x 3) - (room temp + flour temp + bowl friction)=water temp
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To calculate friction factor:
3 X actual dough temperature minus the sum of flour temperature + water temperature + room temperature = friction factor.
Keep in mind that the friction factor is only good for the mixer it was determined for and it is only accurate for the dough formulation and size used when the FF was determined.
Here’s a short cut that I use to get in the ball park: Just plug in 30 for the FF.

Remember that time and temperature controls are the keys to effective dough management. Without effective dough management inconsistency is the name of your game. For most of us 80 to 85F is the target finished dough temperature range we should be shooting for, adjust the dough water temperature accordingly to stay within that temperature range.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Ah…thanks. I was missing the 3*doughtemp and the FF, which I now remember as half the bowl size.

Very much appreciate your help!

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Tom - I have been experimenting with small batches of dough and the highest my finished dough has been up to is 70-75 degrees. Is this a problem? Because it seems to be that you then want to cool it down as soon as possible. Does that initial 80-85 jump start the yeast or something? Do I want to be using warmer water? Thanks.
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Actually, the 80 to 85F temperature range is just a goal that happens to work well, but other temperatures can work equally as well. 70 to 75F is a good target temperature range to use when the dough will be stored in a reach in cooler as opposed to a walk in, but that doesn’t mean that the 70 to 75F temperature range can’t be used with a walk in cooler. The important thing here is to be consistent, if you are going to use 70 to 75F try to achieve that temperature range ALL THE TIME, consistency is the name of the game. When you are targeting a lower finished dough temperature, all things equal, you are slowing the rate of fermentation in the cooler so you might find that the dough is possibly better after 36 or 48-hours than after 24-hours. There are just so many contingencies that you can only draw generalities at best.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Do I want to be using warmer water? Thanks.
If you look at the formula you’ll see that water temperature is part of it. So, yes, if you WANT higher dough temp, use warmer water.
The Friction Factor is half the bowl size (60qt bowl, use 30…80qt, 40 etc)
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No doubt about it, dough water temperature is the control mechanism for achieving the desired finished dough temperature. But keep in mind that FF = 1/2 of bowl capacity in quarts is just a rough guide. Friction factor of a dough is affected by the absorption (lower absorption = higher FF), type (strength) of flour (strong flours will exhibit a higher FF than weak flours), and dough size is a big one too, smaller size doughs in a larger bowl = lower FF. There is also a good argument for the amount of oil used in the dough too, the higher the oil content, the lower the FF due to better lubricity of the dough, and don’t forget dough mixing time and speed as both have a significant impact upon the dough FF. When we’re dealing with large commissary operations like those for most of the big box chains all of these have to be taken into account in order for them to maintain a consistent finished dough temperature which is critical for effective dough management and consistent dough performance over the life of the dough.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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