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Dough Docking Press


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The pizza restaurant I work in mainly serves a thin and crispy crust pizza. We constantly struggle with eliminating bubbles in our crust, too often without success. It is very difficult for us to consistently dock the dough with enough pressure with our roller dockers in a timely manner. I have been trying to find a way to solve this problem and am interested in the DoughXpress DXDD. Here is the spec sheet:

Does anyone have any experience with and/or impressions of this device?

I would opt for the non-stick coating but still fear whether there would be an issue with docked dough sticking to the upper platen and needing to be peeled off. Also, the device is designed to dock dough that has already been placed on a pan, but we dock our dough after it is rolled out and before we cut it and place it on a pan, and we have to keep it that way. I imagine that the device would work just as well with or without a pan being placed underneath the dough, but I do not know. I would need to be able to dock probably at least 200 pizza doughs per hour with it.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.
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I reckon your dough bubbles too much because its too cold…relaxed, tempered dough will not bubble much…

We roll out a big stack of dough (on carts) and temper for well over an hour and up to 3…

There are also several types of dough dockers…we prefer the plastic ones with long fingers vs traditional sweet dough dockers…
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Thank you for the reply Patriot’sPizza. I’d be interested to hear why you prefer plastic dockers with long fingers. I know they are less harsh on the pans, but I dock dough before putting it on a pan anyway. For what other reasons would one of those plastic dockers be preferable?
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I’m now a bit confused…if yer doing a thin & crispy, why is it going in a pan? Screens are the norm for conveyors & straight to the deck on a wooden peel for deck ovens…seems to me, pans are for a pan type pizza, not a T&C…

its been my experience the metal pins are too short to truly be effective for many thicker doughs & some are so short, the don’t do the job…

The plastic ones are the ones I 1st used & have gone back to after experimentation…

I still believe the dough temp is your main culprit
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I agree that dough temperature is probably the biggest problem. On hot summer days, I don’t need to apply nearly as much pressure when docking. Now that the weather is changing, it is harder. We do try to compensate for that by sometimes having the dough rise next to the pizza ovens and by changing the amount of water in the mix, but on a day-to-day basis, we have to deal with the dough we end up with. If the pizzas come out with bubbles, the person (sometimes me) who docked them is held accountable. That person does not get to make excuses. Basically, I want to find a way to consistently dock cold, tough dough with enough pressure to prevent bubble formation. I can dock hard enough by hand with the metal pin roller docker we use, but I cannot do it consistently when I have hundreds of cold pizza skins to dock within 1 or 2 hours.
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