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Dough Issues


Well-known member
Hello all,

We recently opened our second store, with a 60qt Hobart rather than an 80 like our original store. We have cut the recipe exactly in half (the 60qt won’t handle a 50lb bag of flour I’m told), buy the dough is not the same. We get exactly a half batch of what we’d get at the original location, but this dough is very tough and hard to toss. If you accidentally poke a hole in it, It will not pinch back together. Any ideas? Held off on making dough tonight so I can hopefully get some answers. Thanks!

The 60 qt is a Hoart H600T with 2 HP
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Three things come to mind for me. Not enough water, the yeast and the dough temperature.
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Directly from Hobart is where I heard this.
Ive been making 15-20 doughs a week on a p660 hobart for over 10 years in this location, never had a hiccup besides our yearly maintenance with my local hobart specialist. I would highly recommend you try a 50ilb flour batch before you try to cut your recipe in half.
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What horse power is that mixer? I was told a 3 horse power could handle it. Ours is a 2hp
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25 lbs of flour. 7.5 gallons water. Yeast is kept at 41 degrees. Water is about 65
65 is also a bit cool try to up it
25 lbs of flour. 7.5 gallons water. Yeast is kept at 41 degrees. Water is about 65
I have great results with using warm water about 75-80 for the yeast, usually i mix 1/5th of my total % of water for the yeast (in the warm) and the rest 4/5ths ice cold. I add my 4/5ths in the bowl, sugar/salt/olive oil and then my flour, mix for 30 sec then add my yeast/warm water and mix for the remainder.
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Boy that seems like cold water. We use instant yeast at 110 degrees for 6.5 minutes. finish dough temp around 85 degrees. Lasts for about 3 days.
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bodegahwy: I use as cold tap water as we have and add ice cubes in the water. I stir it real good and then strain off ice before adding to mixer. My finished dough temps are between 62-64 degrees going in the cooler. It is ok after 1 day to use in an emergency if it is allowed to warm up for a few hours or heated in our proofing box for an hour or so, real good at 2 days, great at days 3/4, killer flavor but gets a bit loose at 5 days, and I have used it up to 7 days. It is dead on consistent every time, has a bench life of 3-5 hours depending on the room temp, and the slow fermentation builds the flavor I am after. It is a but tougher on the mixer though. Walter
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We use 14.5# water for our 25# bag of flour. And like was mentioned, you may want to try about 75deg F water. That will cause harder dough.
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The P-660 is a totally different mixer from the H-600. The P-660 will indeed mix a dough based on 50-pounds of flour but the H-600 is much better suited to handling not more than 40-pounds of flour when making pizza dough.
Does your mixer have the reverse spiral dough arm or does it have the common “J” hook? If you have the “J” hook your dough is just riding around in the bowl attached to the hook, and the solution is to mix at a higher speed than you presently mixing at. Since your mixer is a 4-speed this means that you might need to be mixing the smaller dough (1/2 size) at either second or third speed.
With the smaller size dough you do not achieve the same amount of friction during mixing so the dough doesn’t heat up as much as a larger dough would (especially true with a “J” hook) Check your finished dough temperature, you should be looking for something in the 80 to 85F range. A cold dough will not ferment the same as a warmer dough so the finished dough could get less fermentation resulting in a tougher finished dough at the bench.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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