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dough keeps tearing, help!


New member
hey whats up everyone, does anyone know what would cause the dough to keep tearing while streching? im lost. i have been trying to find the answer but no luck. for a 50lb bag of high gluton flower im using 10 oz of salt and 10 oz oil with 6 eggs. o and 2 oz of yeast, any help would be great! thanks alot
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Some water might help…lol…as your formula fails to list…

I use more salt & use more oil…

Reckon you should be using approx 28# of water…

You don’t mention how long you mix your dough, or how old it is when it is tearing…

Basically, more info is needed…
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ok heres the whole recipe, critique if you would like lol

all by volume
13 qt water
10oz salt
10 oz sugar
6 eggs (large)
2 oz of active dry yeast
24 oz oil, 20 at first and then 4 oz midway through

give it a releif cut, let it rest 10 mins then ball the dough.
let it proof in the walk in over night
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You should also post this in the ask the experts for Tom as he knows all. I copied it over there for you and he will get back too you fairly quickly. Good luck.
The key to making a strong dough is to use sufficient salt. At 10-ounces per 50# of flour, your salt level works out to only 1.25% where as it should be in the 1.75 to 2% range. This works out to 14 to 16-ounces of salt. Also, keep in mind that just because the bag says “high gluten” doesn’t mean it actually is a high gluten flour. There is not standard on this. Just to make sure, try using a flour like General Mills Superlative (12.6% protein); Full Strength (12.6% protein); Hi Power (13% protein); Remarkable (13.6% protein) or All Trumps (14.2% protein). Any one of these flours will have the potential of making a good, strong dough.
Another consideration is your yeast level. You don’t say what kind of yeast you’re using, but the correct level should be one of the following: IDY (3-ounces); ADY (4-ounces); compressed yeast (8-ounces).
Your finished (mixed) dough temperature should be in the 80 to 85F range.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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tom, thank you so much!!!
im going to add more salt like you said and i have been using active dry yeast. does adding more salt change the flavor of the dough or just make it stronger? right now im using sysco branded flower, im gonna try another kind
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With your Sysco brand flour, it could have just about any protein content. Additional salt, not to exceed 2% of the flour weight will improve the flavor. Salt has a significant toughening effect upon the dough, that’s how we make acrobatic dough, we literally load it up with salt. The fact that you are using ADY at such a low level says to me that your dough is not properly conditioned for opening into pizza skins, it is too tough and tight to be easily opened, hence it tears.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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I believe that the salt is more than 1.25% since, as frank noted, all of his numbers are by volume, not weight. I think his salt is closer to 1.50% on a weight basis. Will just adding another 0.25% cure the problem he has been having with his dough, or is it the higher amount of ADY that will do that. Also, what hydration value would you recommend, including or excluding the contribution to the hydration due to the water in the eggs? I don’t know the protein content of the Sysco flour frank is using (I believe their Arrezzio high gluten flour is 13.6% +/- 0.3%) but 13 quarts of water for 50 pounds of flour seems to be on the low side, even when factoring in the amount of water in six eggs.


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The 13-quarts of water figures our at 52%, plus the water contributed by the whole eggs,which, is 75% of the weight of the whole eggs. We normally think of the typical range for dough absorption in pizza doughs as being 50 to 62%. If the flour protein is indeed in the 13% range, and salt were actually in the 1.5% range, yes, I would look at something else for the cause of the tearing, possibly the dough is not getting fermented enough, in this case, double check the yeast level, as well as the finished dough temperature. Insufficiently fermented dough lacks the extensibility to be hand tossed and stretched without tearing. Then too, maybe, we’re getting the wrong message, maybe rather than tearing, the dough is overly soft, and as it is tossed, it exhibits excessive stretch, and rips when caught. In a case like this, the corrective action is just the opposite. We then need to tighten, and strengthen the dough, making it more elastic and less extensible. A reduction in finished dough temperature as well as dough absorption might then be in order.
Tom Lehmann/the Dough Doctor
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