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Dough on sheets not trays


New member
I am working on a 2nd store that is very small. I planned on making dough at my 1st store, balling and traying and taking it to the 2nd (8 miles away). I don’t know if this is even legal. My other option is to bite the bullet and buy a mixer for store 2, but with no walk-in I wondering how my dough will work if its put on sheet trays, bagged and put in a reach-in cooler. Will this change my dough?
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We did the way you describe for 10 years with two stores that were about a mile apart. At the small store we had a reach-in coolers. One of them would hold 14 trays of dough stacked (two stacks of 8 trays with the top tray empty) so we could have some left over from one day to the next. The other would hold a few trays of cheese and a full bucket of sauce and other prepped items. Each morning the opener would call and “order” buckets of sauce, trays of cheese, trays of dough etc. We stocked canned goods at both locations but moved prepped veggies, dough, sauce, etc from the main store to the other every day and brought back the trays to be washed at the main store.
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Steve, did you burn out on that model of operation ? Was it profitable ? Or a Pain in TA ? I’ve often thought of doing that to keep labor and equipment costs down. I t would be good to know of your reasons for opting out. Thanks John,seems 2 people an oven 2 up front a fridge and your in business !
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