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Dough Press or Sheeter for parbaked crusts


New member
I was wondering what would work better for a parbaked thin crust pizza? We currently spread the dough by hand and then dock it before putting it into the oven for par-baking. We like to parbake it just before it starts to brown.

Would a hot press do the job of giving me a thin crust, which is parbaked? Would the dual sided press (like doughpro) work, or is it better to go with a sheeter? I also worry about bubbling or gas being stuck in the dough.

Any input would be massively helpful.

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Having used a sheeted before in making parabarked crusts, the shelter will definitely degass your dough…I choose to proof mine as that was our style…

I used a dough press for a very short time, but that was before I was familiar with it…

If I were to do it again, I might use a dough press, tempered dough & a dough docker…will be faster in the long run I think…
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Thanks for the info… I proof the dough as well, and will try to get my hands on a dough press. Any companies you reccomend? We go thru about 150 bases a day.

Thanks again,
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My preference is Somerset brand…had a shelter of theirs and used a press while @ CiCi’s…I did own a Dough Pro, but sold it before I really understood them…
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Thanks again for your advice. One last thing, would a dual_sided heated press parbake the crust? (assuming I adjust the temperature and time)

Im currently parbaking it in on a lincoln conveyor for 3mins. Since I cant test it where im at, I was hoping if you could advise me.
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Short answer, no…not designed for that task…

Dough Pro makes a small par bake press, but for volume operations, I believe it is inefficient…

I’ve not had great success with impinger style ovens for partaking, but I know it can be done…

My old biz used a CTX infrared conveyor oven and we proofed our dough…my experiments years later with the MM 360’s never were extensive…I still believe a key for success will be tempered dough, to reduce bubbles & ensure the dough is actually parabarked…
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