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dough pro

owned a dough pro many, many yrs. ago…didn’t like it, due 2 my lack of understanding…went back 2 using a sheeter…

then I learned/began to hand-toss w/o sheeter…volume operation…

several yrs ago I used a Somerset press @ CiCi’s…got pretty fast…trick is in using proofed/aged dough…a bit faster than hand tossing…decent job once you figure out…
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Hey, check out

Expensive but cheaper then a primadonna pieman. Oh yeah, super quiet too, doesn’t say a word, doesn’t hick-up or gas, it is quiet all day long and always ready to work.

Put one in 2 months ago and am happy as can be. My pieman was a little annoyed but now that he doesn’t suffer from upper-back pain, he loves it.

If interested, call David at Global Industries, 209-824-4680
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please tell me how you use your cuppone. what sizes of dough etc…

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does anyone here have any experience with a dough pro or dough press
We started out with a used doughpro… It didn’t work out so well… We now use a $5 rolling pin/combo of hand tossing 🙂
  • Rob
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use daily wouldnt trade it for a rollin pin new girls catch on quick even my 8 year old can hammer out doughs 😃
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I use a dough pro press and love it. I wouldnt think about doing it by hand. I put my dough ball in pull down the handle and in 2-3 seconds it is spread out and ready to go into a pan.
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I use a dough pro as well, for me I love it cuz I can leave my dough in the cooler, press it out and wella, no blown dough!
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I have worked in a couple of places that used a sheeter but in my places we toss by hand or use a rolling pin and finish by hand according to the preference of the guy on the line.
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George Mills:
Hi Mar:

As I have indicated before , I do not use equipment myself, I only report for the benefit of the readership what our many hundreds of clients use and tell us about.

None of the chain accounts we service and almost none of our independents use presses.

The pressing surface is heated and apparently puts a bit of a skin on the pizza and our clients find that objectionable.

George Mills
I copied this from another thread, I believe titled “average ticket,” where it seems to have been placed in error.
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I find that strange that they say it leaves a skin on it. I have used mine for 8 years and have not had that problem. The only time there is a bit of a skin on it is if I dont cover my dough up within a minute or two. Maybe that is the problem for them?
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I too have had no problem with dryness. But I like pizza guy (HI WAYNE!) press my dough to order and sauce right away, maybe that is the problem?
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