Dough Recipe for Coal Oven


New member
Hi there,

New to the Forum. I’m looking for a really good dough recipe to be used in a coal oven. Please help me out. We are opening a new location in 4 weeks and are in need of help. I want to use 50 pound bags of flour per batch. Thanks so much. Sam
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Here is a dough formula that I’ve used a number of times in coal fired ovens.
Flour: (All Trumps) 100%
Salt: 1.75%
IDY: 0.4%
Water: 58%/65F (amount variable)
Oil: 1.5%

Put water in bowl, add salt, add flour, add IDY, mix just until you don’t see any dry flour in the bowl, add the oil, continue mixing just to form a smooth appearing dough. Target finished dough temperature is 75 to 80F.
Immediately scale and ball, place dough balls into plastic dough boxes, wipe top of dough balls with salad oil, take directly to the cooler and cross-stack for 3-hours, then down-stack and kiss it good night.
The dough can be held in the cooler in this manner for up to 96-hours.
The dough is ready to use after 24-hours in the cooler but is best after 48-hours.
To use the dough, remove dough box from the cooler, allow to warm AT room temperature until the dough balls reach 50F, then begin opening the dough into pizza skins for immediate use.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Thank you so much for replying. I just don’t understand the percentages. If I was to use a 50 pound bag of flour, how many liters of water would I use, the same with the other ingredients, How many ounces of idy or salt, etc. I’m sorry for the stupid question, but I just can’t figure it out. My apoligies.

Also, I want to thank you for all the insight you have given, not just in this forum and in PMQ, but on Pizzatoday magazine as well. You are a legend. Thanks so much. Sam
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To find ingredient weights based on bakers percent:
Use your handy calculator.
Enter the flour weight you want to base your dough on.
Remember, the ingredient weights will be shown in the same weight units that you have shown the flour weight in (pounds, ounces, kilograms, grams, etc.)
Flour weight X ingredient percent (press the “%” key) and read the ingredient weight in the display window.
50-pounds of flour = 800-ounces
Salt 1.75% : 800 X 1.75 (press the “%” key) and read 14-ounces.
IDY 0.4% : 800 X 0.4 (press the “%” key) and read 3.2-ounces in the display window.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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This recipe would not require any sugar, is that correct. And for the water I got 29 pounds, which seems correct. I never used this formula before. Thanks Again
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Correct on both points. The sugar is just going to cause problems in baking at the high temperatures achieved in a coal fired oven.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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I wanted to try a new type of pizza. It’s a Roman pie called pizza al taglio. However, I can’t find a dough recipe for it. Would you happen to have one. Also. How long would I have to let the dough rise for. From the pics I saw online for it, it looks like a wet dough or maybe they lathered lots of oil on it
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Grandma Lasagna (Roseland, IL/suburb of Chicago) used to make it all the time to share with the neighbors. It was made using a rather thick crust (about 1/2-inch thick) and baked in a square or rectangular shaped pan. The pizza is intended to be sold by the piece/slice, and is traditionally sold by weight. Any good thick crust dough formula should work well in this application, if you don’t have one handy, here is one that I came up with years ago to replicate (on a much larger scale) what grandma Lasagna made.
Flour: Ceresota (or any flour with 11.5 to 12% protein content 100%
Salt: 2%
Olive oil: 4%
IDY: 0.75%
Water: (cold) 52%
Sugar: 2%

Mix the dough just until it forms a smooth skin, divide into desired weight pieces appropriate for your pan size, oil the dough balls, place into individual plastic bags (food bags or bread bags), twist the open end of the bag to form a pony tail and tuck it under the dough ball as you place it in the fridge/cooler to cold ferment for 24 to 48-hours, turn the dough out of the bag onto a dusted bench top, flatten slightly and fit into the pan (use shortening/Crisco on the sides of the pan but put oil in the bottom of the pan), set aside to proof/rise for about 90-minutes (time will vary) or until the dough has risen to about 3/8-inch in thickness, lightly oil the top of the dough, apply fresh basil leaves and fresh sliced garlic, add thin slices of ripe tomato (or use drained Tomato Filets), and dress as desired, bake at between 450 and 500F (you might need to place a screen under each pan to control the bottom color if baking on the hearth/deck), as soon as the pizza comes out of the oven drizzle with olive oil and serve.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Grandma Lasagna (Roseland, IL/suburb of Chicago) used to make it all the time to share with the neighbors. It was made using a rather thick crust (about 1/2-inch thick) and baked in a square or rectangular shaped pan. The pizza is intended to be sold by the piece/slice, and is traditionally sold by weight. Any good thick crust dough formula should work well in this application, if you don’t have one handy, here is one that I came up with years ago to replicate (on a much larger scale) what grandma Lasagna made.
Flour: Ceresota (or any flour with 11.5 to 12% protein content 100%
Salt: 2%
Olive oil: 4%
IDY: 0.75%
Water: (cold) 52%
Sugar: 2%

Mix the dough just until it forms a smooth skin, divide into desired weight pieces appropriate for your pan size, oil the dough balls, place into individual plastic bags (food bags or bread bags), twist the open end of the bag to form a pony tail and tuck it under the dough ball as you place it in the fridge/cooler to cold ferment for 24 to 48-hours, turn the dough out of the bag onto a dusted bench top, flatten slightly and fit into the pan (use shortening/Crisco on the sides of the pan but put oil in the bottom of the pan), set aside to proof/rise for about 90-minutes (time will vary) or until the dough has risen to about 3/8-inch in thickness, lightly oil the top of the dough, apply fresh basil leaves and fresh sliced garlic, add thin slices of ripe tomato (or use drained Tomato Filets), and dress as desired, bake at between 450 and 500F (you might need to place a screen under each pan to control the bottom color if baking on the hearth/deck), as soon as the pizza comes out of the oven drizzle with olive oil and serve.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
Hi Tom

I’ve been trying this recipe and I can’t get the texture that’s normally found in pizza al taglio. I know the hydration rate is high for this type of dough. I heard it’s about 70 percent. Anything you can suggest to me. Thanks
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All you need to do is begin increasing the dough absorption in 2% increments until you reach some type of a balance/compromise between dough handling properties and internal crumb structure. As you continue to increase the dough absorption the dough will exhibit greater oven spring for developing an open, porous crumb structure, but at the same time the dough will become more difficult to handle so you will need to find that “sweet spot” between dough handling properties and finished crust properties. With the increased absorption you will still need to allow the dough to proof/rise in the pan prior to dressing and baking.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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