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Doyon mixer on ebay -- not promoting the auction.


New member
As most of you know, I’m always looking for another brand “as good as Hobart”. There are so many brands of mixers out there that it’s really hard to get a feel for what’s good and what’s bad.

I have NO involvement whatsoever with this auction. It’s the pics that are of interest to me.

One of the guys on here (I think it’s Daddio, but I could be wrong) has said that he uses a Doyon for a couple of years and is quite happy with it.

Longevity has always been my concern with any non-Hobart. In looking around for a mixer, I stumbled upon this one and if pictures are worth a thousand words, this one simply says “beaten up”. … dZViewItem

I see this as a GOOD thing for the Doyon brand. It would appear that this one has been used and used and used. Obviously, I have no idea what the maintenance/repair schedule on this thing looks like but it has it’s share of battle scars from what I can only assume to be hard work.

I thought I’d share just in case anyone else out there is looking for an alternative to Hobart. Maybe this can help someone else in the future when they’re searching for other brands.
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It was me but mine is so much prettier, and safer to use with all the guards in place.
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