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Driver Drop Boxes


New member
I made one of these myself a while back, but I remember it being a pain. I was just curious how many others made their own or just had one made?
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I purchased a commercial mailbox unit like you would see at a mailboxes etc. It has 30 “individual boxes” each one with a small slot. The drivers each have a key to their box and treat it like an extension of their pocket. Nobody else at the store has a key to these boxes. I have a second set of keys locked up at home in a safe. After each delivery the drivers drop any large bills. Occasionally they will open their box and take out a $5 if they need it for their next run.
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Here is a link to some that you might find reasonable. … g=DD%2d660
I have those at all our stores. They are indestructible.
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These are the kind we use at PJ’s and I have used nearly identical boxes at Dominos and an indy store too. They are made of wood and are built into the wall so the drivers can drop money into small slots from the kitchen area, but inside the office, there are hinged doors with individual locks that only the driver has a key (or combo) to. It’s important that the slot side be in a busy area so that no other employee has the ability to secretly fish money out of the slots unseen. I’ve never known of money being taken out of these type boxes, but it is possible.

Kitchen side

Office side
Thanks for those pics Gregster. That is exactly what I have used in the past too.
Does anyone know where to purchase boxes like I pictured above? I have seen the metal locker type boxes on the internet, but never saw the wooden, built in the wall type boxes like I am so used to using at many places.
I haven’t ever seen those for sale. I am pretty sure they are custom built in each store. It is just some plywood framing with a laminate covering.
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I haven’t ever seen those for sale. I am pretty sure they are custom built in each store. It is just some plywood framing with a laminate covering.
Nope. Ours came by FedEx nice and tidy in a cardboard package. It was a replacement the fit nicely inside the wall unit it was designed to fit into. Ours was replaced because too many of the hinges on the doors and/or the hasps were broken. It’s a mass produced item, I just don’t know from where. Asking my clueless GM would be a waste of time. Managing the store is already too much of a bother for them.