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Driver Screwups.

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What do you guys do about Driver Screwups? forget soda, forget credit card slip, mix orders up, etc…
if they forget the credit card slip, they drive back out. if they forget anything else they drive back out, if they get the order mixed up and it’s their fault they drive back out. If a driver has to take a remake order and it wasn’t his or her fault they get paid for another run. But if it is their fault, they forget something they don’t get paid for another run. I leave it up to the customer as far as what they want, we will either re-deliver any forgotten or messed up order or I will send them a coupon for free whatever is messed up.
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Here is my opinion-

What expectations have been set? What were they told prior and upon hiring? What written policy do you have on the subject?

You set reasonable standards, the same for every employee and you as the owner and all managment members enforce the guidelines and be consistent and fair.

I would probably have it known that frequent miscues are noted in the employee file and are part of what determines raises and bonuses.
Our driver shave written instructions and job requirements which includes their responsibility to check all deliveries to ensure all items are taken - e.g. 2 large pizzas, 1 2lt drink, 1 garlic bread, 1 pasta. They have to get the drink from the fridge and then check all items are there before they leave the shop.

If they stuff up, such as leaving a drink behind, and the customer wants it re-delivered then they have to do it but they do not get paid for the original or make up delivery.

If the stuff up was from something the makebench did, such as wrong make then the driver gets paid for the original and make up delivery. They cannot be held responsible for stuff ups that they had no part of and no control over.

We make it very clear ( and have large posters in the kitchen and back room area) what their respponsibilities are and the repercussions of not carrying out their duties as expected.

I think that they should have the onus on them to check every order before they leave and then stand or fall on their actions (or lack of them).

We pay our drivers extremely well, including delivery fees of $2, $2.50 and $3.50 per drop depending on the delivery zone. They have to be professional in all aspects of their work, which includes checking their orders for the correct number of items to go.

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What do you guys do about Driver Screwups? forget soda, forget credit card slip, mix orders up, etc…
It really depends on how often it happens. I’v taken deliveries before and forgotten the 2-liter myself. When you get busy and the phones are ringing off the hook, tickets are stacking up, and oven is spitting out pizzas faster then one can handle. Things get hectic. It happens.

But if the driver is constantly forgetting items, make them check out with the manager before leaving on a delivery. Make them read the ticket to the manager and verify the contents before leaving, and have the manager verify the contents as well. Put two sets of eyes on it.

Now if it happens. The driver usually comes back… gets the missing item and goes back… I’ll usually throw in an extra free 2-liter or something.

It used to happen alot for us but not so much anymore. We’ve gotten a better grip on our systems. It helps if people stay put in their positions and don’t bounce around. I can’t remember the last time we delivered the wrong pizza.

You could always just goto the double set of eyes routine for everything. Nothing leaves the store, until two sets of eyes have verified the ticket, the toppings, the pizzas, the sodas, etc. Or even three.
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Drinks are the largest % of screw ups in the pizza business. The way I do it: When a order has a drink, the delivery slip gets a pink highlighted stripe down the center- company policy! I have a zero tolerance for missed drinks and this method has produced 100% effective. Give it a try and you will be amazed that drivers will never forget a drink.

As far as the other stuff…It comes with the territory. It will happen, that’s the nature of a busy shop. If it is continuous, then you have a problem and the other suggestions above are pretty good.
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Boy, I wish I was driving for some of you 🙂

I have very limited/low/no tolerance for driver errors. Especially if the only responsibility of the particular driver during volume is taking orders (we have a pos) and taking deliveries. It’s just about the easiest & most lucrative job at the store. So our driver requirements,

#1 You better be hustling out of your car and back into the store for the next delivery. No exceptions. My managers will take away the next delivery if they see you lolly-gagging & while everyone on the inside is kicking butt trying to stay ahead of the game.

#2 Don’t ask the pizza makers or anyone else for that matter what goes with an order–read the ticket. That’s why I bought a POS, so you don’t have to ask.

#3. Don’t ask us where a particular street is without a mapping it on our computers or checking our wall maps.

#4. Forget to bring the customer a soda that IS PRINTED ON THE TICKET your going back to bring it. Don’t care if you miss-out on deliveries to do so.

#5. No car topper, no delivery compensation. I don’t even remind them anymore. Amazing how that works.

#6. No getting gas during the shift.

The list goes on,but you get the picture…at least our picture. Drivers are either lazy or greedy. Greedy I’ll deal with, lazy I won’t.
a good salution that has worked is

as the drivers get to the door they call out the outtime and how many drinks, extra sauces,also what the drinks,and sauces are. That way they have to look at the ticket. example would be" 24 minutes , two 2 litres of coke."

They also have to wait to hear the manager say. “buckle up drive safe” So they know the manager heard.

It helps so drivers know the side items. It also helps management know if they need to bump del,co times.
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Pies,I would have to make a great guess here.I bet you have a HELP WANTED ad out everyday,because the way you seem to think about ‘drivers’ greedy and lazy is pretty damn ignorant!I have one of the busiest pizza joints in the Phila area w/ 16 drivers that literally fight to work for me.Try treating them like people and you’ll be amazed what you’ll get out of them.
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Our primary goal for our pizza delivery is 100% guest satisfaction. Whatever it takes.

Our drivers are human and so is the rest of my crew. Rare is it that they all screw up at the same time…so our system creates an almost 100% fool proof system.

Drinks…starts on the phones. Whoever takes the order gets them out. When they turn in the ticket they communicate the drinks or special request. The Maketable makes the order and calls out drinks and or special requests. If no on acknowledges they got it they get them and pass it on to cut and pack. Cut and pack double checks before the order is bagged. Drivers call out drinks and or special requests before leaving. By then at least 3 people in the store can answer if the order is filled 100%.
The rare chance we forget a drink the driver has the authority to stop at the nearest gas station and buy the soda. We reimburse the receipt.
They still get paid for the delivery. Would not get paid for a retake unless it was a food error.

We never forget the fact that customer satisfaction is the goal.

As for the maps and asking, most of our customers are regulars and we can save at least 2 minutes by using each other to find addresses. Although I encourage the map use, when I deliver on occassion and don’t know where something is exactly I ask the ones who might know. Saves lots of time. Usually can tell me what color the house is and then follows up with …make sure there pizza is well done… they like it well done.
Hi Goomba,
Few drivers quit, they are usually termed. I have a core of 7 drivers who have been with me for a while. Drivers 8 & 9 last a few months & turn into core drivers or they are termed. And yes, they are termed for the reasons stated in my previous post. Something interesting happens when you hold your drivers to a certain standard—the other drivers & pizza makers start holding them to that standard. When our bottom tier drivers start dropping the ball it is not me who gets on their case, it’s the other drivers who know that there screw-ups will cost them money in the short & long run. And pizza makers do not care to put up with guys (and gals) who cannot accurately take a delivery that they have sweated to make on time. In fact, I don’t do any firing–my staff does–they decide. Believe me we give everyone a fair shake, put if they can’t keep up–cya.

We have just about average employee turn-over for the industry.
If I thought it was way out of whack, well that would be a different story.

The customer comes first at my shop. They pay our bills & provide us paychecks. If your doing something that negatively impacts that (and it doesn’t matter if it is un-intentional or an honest mistake) your not going to last very long. I’m not in business to provide jobs. I’m in it to make money. So, I stand by previous post.

Start demanding competence & you will eventually get it. Don’t ask for it, and you won’t.

Have a nice weekend.
Those are pretty rigid standards pies, and I like them. I am thinking about implementing some of them myself. I have met my share of lazy and greedy drivers, usually those kind don’t last long. I don’t tolerate the lazy part at all and with the greed, well… in my eyes we are in this business for the customers FIRST. I teach my drivers and preach putting the customer first. Tips and money come last. I usually find myself with drivers who are customer first people. If you’re not customer oriented, I don’t want you driving or for that matter working in my store. Remember folks, it’s ALL ABOUT THE CUSTOMER. without them, we have nothing.
This past Friday & Saturday I tried to study the flow of orders from phone ringing to driver walking–hustling :)–out the door with a delivery & have concluded that I couldn’t make the demands I make on our staff, drivers in particular without our point of sale system. So I thought I would add a few more comments.

When a driver starts a shift he/she has to put their car topper on & request a float for change, sign the float slip & be in uniform before punching in. I make them request the float prior to punch in, because it is a hassle for anyone to stop what they are doing to issue a driver float while we are dealing with the rush.

Drivers are able to view pending deliveries on the screen while they are being made. If they are not cutting & boxing pies, this gives them time to look at our wall maps our use the POS to map the order–BEFORE it is ready to go.

Drivers also have a checklist of things to do when they punch in. I used to have drivers punch in, not ask for the float & grab the car topper when they are headed out the door with the first delivery. This slows down the order delivery time. Also, no more drivers punching in & then leaning against a table & waiting. The checklists & firm guidelines eliminated this.