Driving Sales Growth Through Advertising

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As a relatively new pizzeria owner, I was hoping to get the best practices available for really taking sales to the next level. We have had pretty good success in the first 6 months of owning the shop but we would like to build on sales. The store is in a small town with one other locally-owned pizzeria.

Over the next couple of months I planned on doing door-hangers with pretty aggressive coupons as well as direct mailings to those potential customers where door-hangers are impractical. We already have in place a money-mailer coupons that goes out roughly every 8-weeks although the distribution is probably more wide-spread than is neccessary. We also have in place a loyalty program on the pizzabox tops.

My question is what other types of advertising has anyone on the board had success with in rural/suburban types of communities?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

-Mick (new owner)

And do not forget to put a display of menus outside your door…Many people will not come in looking for it…Also exchange your flyers with other businesses in the area…Put their flyers on your boxes and they put your flyer in their bags…

Good luck…
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And don’t forget magnets to hold those menus on the fridge!!! Probably my most effective long term marketing.
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3 years ago we doing 6-8k per week in sales. We were doing newspaper ads, inserts in pennysaver etc, nothing seemed to work very good. So we redid our menus on glossy paper, put descriptions in for most items, highlited our most profitable items and started direct mailing menus directly to addresses instead of as inserts. We have been mailing about 5k menus per month and our sales have grown 25-30% per year. Your area may be different, but for us direct mailing menus is what kept us in business. Goiod Luck
Looking for good promotional products - anyone have a good vendor or catalog to recommend?

Magnets - I know about, I mean something else

For example - I’d like to create a “kids meal,” slice/beverage/toy, but want a truly unique, cute or classy yet inexpensive toy for it. Or better, a bunch of them so I can change it regularly…
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