Dynamic pricing?


New member

I was thinking if it’d be a good idea to dynamically price menus. For instance, if our shop appears quieter than usual by a certain time in the day, discount coupons are automatically offered to our fans (online) for use by the end of the day. My brother’s a programmer and we’re planning to get him to build the system from scratch, but not sure if it’ll be worth the effort.

What do you guys think? Is it something you guys would find useful?
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What incentive would that give your customers to ever at full price?

Also, if you are restricting these to certain times and a customer places an order at 2pm and that is a slow time with a special deal, you’d have to program the system to not allow those coupons to apply when the ticket matures at say 6pm.

I was thinking if it’d be a good idea to dynamically price menus. For instance, if our shop appears quieter than usual by a certain time in the day, discount coupons are automatically offered to our fans (online) for use by the end of the day. My brother’s a programmer and we’re planning to get him to build the system from scratch, but not sure if it’ll be worth the effort.

What do you guys think? Is it something you guys would find useful?
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What incentive would that give your customers to ever at full price?
We’d only offer a very limited number of discount coupons during slow hours.
Also, if you are restricting these to certain times and a customer places an order at 2pm and that is a slow time with a special deal, you’d have to program the system to not allow those coupons to apply when the ticket matures at say 6pm.
Yes, that’s right. The coupons would have very specific lifetimes.
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You could probably accomplish this same thing with a rewards program. Probably wouldn’t go out automatically when sales are low, but if it’s that slow, you or your manager should have the time to send out the blast. Building from the ground up seems like a costly and time consuming task filled with lots of bugs along the way.
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We tried to put very huge discount on Grubhub for the hours we don’t have much business (noon till 4pm). The idea was that deep discount will bring business and employees will be occupied. Nothing. Then 4pm rings and orders start coming… doesn’t matter that there is huge discount before 4pm. I love the idea of dynamic pricing, but I don’t think it works. Or we need to find some better way how to make it work
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