E-mail blasts: How do they work?


New member
Okay, a couple guys have started an interesting topic I think needs more discussion:

E-mail blasts!

Daddio came up with the idea of holding a drawing for a free iPod for Christmas in another post and pizzatime chimed in with the idea of getting e-mail addys so that we can do an e-mail blast later on.

The question is this:

When we do an e-mail blast, how can we make it look professional? Do we send them to a link? (And if so how do we develop that?) Do we put a coupon right there in the e-mail? I want 4 color and I want it to look every bit as professional as something one of the big dogs would put out.

I think this is a fantastic idea for us indy’s and if we could find a way to capitalize on this idea it would benefit everybody. So, lets put our heads together because I think this is the present and the future of advertising. PLUS IT’S FREE! Thanks in advance for the next 100 posts. -J_r0kk
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Re: E-mail blastst: How do they work?

It isn’t free. But it is cheap. PMQ has wrote some articles about email marketing in the past… including one about Think Tanker, Scott Anthony.

I’ve used two different companies. One is the same one Scott Anthony uses, but I can’t recommend them. The company I use, I can 100% recommend.


Real simple. Easy interface. You have access to your list at all times. Low monthly fee, it doesn’ t matter how many times you send out a blast, once a week, one a month etc…


PS if they have place for referrals and someone wants to give my name. Thanks. Scott Hack, Fast Break Pizza
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Re: E-mail blastst: How do they work?

You can get a 4gb Ipod Nano from Circuit City for $189, free shipping.
Re: E-mail blastst: How do they work?

Make friends with one of your local electronics shops and you might even get it for below cost like I did just for putting the shops name as the supplier.
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Re: E-mail blastst: How do they work?
You can get a 4gb Ipod Nano from Circuit City for $189, free shipping.
I wish I knew what that was. :shock:
Re: E-mail blastst: How do they work?

An iPod is the 21st century version of the sony walkman.
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