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egg on pizza

I remember about 2 years ago Otis was doing a breakfast pizza. There is also on Pizza Paul’s menu for his mobile pizza kitchen I tried it once but am not a big fan of having raw eggs in the store.
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Those shops that do not have the true gourmet style nor the presentation should probably shy away from a dropped egg style. But, a nice scramble on a shell with cheese and any other toppings is simply fantastic providing you have a good dough.

My shop did two scrambled on a small and three on a large (really whipped, unlike you would do for a normal scramble) and drizzled in a spiral. Make it a western omlet style or simply add bacon or ham. I put these samples out every Sunday AM (at 3 PM) and they sold all week long.

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I talked with some of my staff that spent the summer in Europe last year and they said they had pizza there with an egg in the middle. I Googled and image search of “egg pizza” and was suprised at the different types shown there. The one that caught my eye was the Egg and Asparagus.

Maybe I was too hasty in my last post about having the raw eggs around. I may have to think this one out a bit more.
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14" Breakfast pizza:

Standard dough
light sauce
In a 1/6th pan, mix 3 eggs and 8 oz of cheese and a small amount of garlic and onions. Scramble well and drizzle all over the pizza skin (on top of the sauce)

I like canadian bacon, jalapenos, roma tomatos, and black olives… but you can put most any pizzza topping on there.

Bake as usual.
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