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Electric deck oven


New member
Hi everyone,
I have 2 bakers pride y600 but need more oven space for our busiest times. The local school is selling a Garland electric deck oven. The stone is about an inch thick. I know nothing about them and wondered if anyone had any experience with a Garland. It is not an air deck.
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i know it will take a long time to get it hot so it won’t do you much good unless you leave it on or know pretty much when you will need it in advance. an electric conveyor takes about 15 minutes to heat up. j
I guess another y600 is the answer. I actually have a third one but there is no way to reach 3 stacked and I don’t have room under the hood for them to stand side by side. Any ideas?
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I guess another y600 is the answer. I actually have a third one but there is no way to reach 3 stacked and I don’t have room under the hood for them to stand side by side. Any ideas?
Bakers pride has 6 in legs that are used to stack ovens 3 high.

George Mills
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Putting aside the idea that your “deck” pizza is better than anything you can make on a “conveyor”…How much more can you carry to the bottom line by putting in a conveyor oven?..
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there you go. with shorter legs and a conveyor on top, you get busy, flip the switch(es) and in 15 minutes you have a backup. that is why i like the idea of stacked conveyors. also, when it is slow you just need to be using 1/2 the energy, less heat in the kitchen, less $$$. you could also just use the conveyor when it is very slow, then heat the decks well ahead of a rush. j
Putting aside the idea that your “deck” pizza is better than anything you can make on a “conveyor”…How much more can you carry to the bottom line by putting in a conveyor oven?..
I can’t put that “aside” as that is the concept of my restaurant. I don’t want to make an 18 inch thin crust pizza in a conveyor oven. We have an open kitchen and customers like to see us use the deck ovens. It sets us apart from the chain restaurants.

I actually have the 6 inch legs and had them cut to 3 inches. I am 5’ 1’’ and can’t even see into the burner compartment on the top oven.
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Paradox…quite funny, but I had a reverse situation a while back…

Me, being an ‘evil’ conveyor guy, bought 2 double stack CTX electric conveyors (boy do I miss them)…

I, too, had the bottom legs cut down, thinking that would be perfect…

Turned out, the lowest conveyor was nearly too low & the top one nearly too high…the whole thing just fit under the lip of the hood with a fraction of an inch to spare…

But man could we kick out the pies…
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It is funny the conveyor vs deck is just like the Grande vs every other cheese. I’m from New Jersey and just wanted to make the pizza I grew up with and so I use deck ovens. I was just in Jersey and checked out the Veroforno oven company. Lots of deck space in a smaller footprint. I might just save up and buy one of them next year.
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