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Electric or Gas oven


New member
Hi All,

Been out of the sceen for a while, health issues but fine now.
This is my situation, I live in the Dominican Republic and been looking into opening a Pizza Shop, our numbers here for electricity is $0.27 per kwh, GLP gas is $2.65 per galon, and Natural gas $0.61 cubic meter.
Knowing how electricity falters on and off daily, what oven is best cost effective .

Personally I thought a conveyor that runs on gas, I am guessing that the electric part is not hogging much to run the machine, since its the gas that supplies the heat.

Please let me know if my asumption is correct


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If your electric is unreliable, a gas conveyor would be a baaad idea, as it needs both gas and electric, constantly…
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The above is correct. Electric pow is required to rum the conveyors and blowers on conveyor ovens.

If electrical service is eratic you may be better served by usinmg deck ovens.

George Mills
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