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Email outreach? Offers?


New member
We have been doing online ordering now for several months. We have accumulated a list of several hundred online customers and sent them a couple of emails.

What I am wondering, for those of you that do emails to customers, what have you tried that works best? Have you found a way to get them to forward the emails to others? If comfortabable, please post here if not, please PM me.

I appreciate the help.

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I don’t try to get folks to ‘forward’ emails, but I try to get them to get others to try us…my best success is to give away a free pizza or something decent when they refer another guest & use a ‘secret code’…I kinda make a game of it…works from time to time…takes a while to build…I’ve also done a thing where a good customer gives a free pizza to a new friend and follow that up with a FB post…
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I am not sure I am following. How do you connect the new order to the customer that made the referral?
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what has worked for me is I sat up a VIP club and every other Tuesday I do a really really great offer, instead of heavy discounting though I choose to do off menu items and NEW pizzas, what this does is make the customer feel real connected. please forward to your closest friends as our club is getting full and you do not want to be on the outside
(call to action).
We did a Parmesan crusted chicken (off menu) for 9.99 and it was a good night.
Also the ice storm…it was a great way to get the buzz out.
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You ask a good customer to tell 5 friends that they can get them a free pizza, reedemable within 10 days or so, if they are not a current customer of yours now…you give them a secret code/word with an expiration date…I use, for instance, GF021011PW…

They must order on-line by 2/10/11 and stop in to pick it up…we also know that the referring person had the initials ‘GW’

yes it costs you a few $$$, but you will generally get them to re-order…

It costs more to get a new customer vrs keeping someone who has tasted your product…

Now you have their email address & phone # in your database…check to see if they are on FB & invite them 2b a friend/fan & thank them for their order on FB…

Repeat the process with them…

Give 5 pies away per day…best marketing dollars spent…

Now re-market them 2 weeks later & give them a special package deal or something free when they place their order…put a code like explained above…my system shows the code so we know (assign new iitials relevant to the customer, so it can’t be duplicated)
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