Pizza Man D was right in that you cannot legally charge an employee for damage to property or equipment. Since the damage occured as a result of an employee breaking the rule, you have grounds to fire them. Is the incident in itself enough, well, no but here’s some advice on how to treat this.
Write up both of these incidents separately: 1: the employee was breaking the no cell phone usage rule. 2: the employee is responsible for 250.00 dollars worth of damage on a piece of equipment that they were trained on how to use.
A simple reprimand is not enough, the severity of their actions needs to be reinforced by writing them up. Also, if this happens again–either damage of equipment or using the cell, you can fire them without unemployement. The process is usually 1-3 verbal warnings, then 2 written warnings–with the 3rd incident grounds for firing.
In this case because of the severity and cost of what they did, a verbal warning is not enough. Damage to property happens, accidents happen and employers have to eat the cost, but when damage (costly damage) occurs when rules and safety procedures and training are ignored, that’s something something else.
You can make up your own employee written notice forms.
They must say that they are “Notice of Misconduct” forms
You must state the day and time of occurance and what rules were broken. You must state that the employee was trained on the proper proceedure for operation of the machine. You can also state that the reason they broke the machine was because they answered a personal cell phone in the kitchen…etc
You call this the first warning, sign it, date it and have the employee do the same. Put this in their file.
Then have a second Notice that nails them for breaking the no cell phone rule in the kitchen.
Call this the second warning and state that this employee has been notified that any third written warning could result in their termination.
Go through the signing and dating yours, and theirs.
It is also good practice to give them a copy of the written notices.
This is the official way of treating such matters, it also shows your employees that you mean business and that you are dead serious.