

New member
Having issues trying to find employees.What does everyone here use to find employees? Indeed, Facebook , Zip recruiter, Local Job Service Etc? Must be doing something wrong nobody is interested besides the people that need unemployment. Ugg. Where do I get started?
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We boxtop now hiring flyers, use Facebook hiring ads, Indeed and offer current employees $100 for any referals that last 90 days. Each of these have brought in a few of our current staff. Marketing for employees will soon be as important as marketing for customers.
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Mostly Facebook, Instagram and employee referrals.
With Facebook you really need to boost the post for the best results.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
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Indeed.com has been the best source for us in a college town. Listing the wage range on the ads increases the response when it’s competitive. For example; we were getting basically no driver applications in, when we added “our best drivers make $xx - $xx/hour” we started getting at least a couple every week. We pay Indeed for placement too.

Craig’s List is also a good source of applicants. It’s like $10 -$20 for an ad, not sure if that’s for just the ad or for better placement though.
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Box topppers, word of mouth, facebook ads. It’s tough right now. We just went through our busy season pretty understaffed. I don’t work in the store regularly but ended up cooking and delivering pizzas several busy nights. I have another business I work full time in as well. I didn’t get anything from a craigslist ad. I think FB has mostly replaced it with marketplace.
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best $2 I ever spent was an old-school orange & black HELP WANTED sign that is ALWAYS in our front window. We have a file of applications on hand whenever a position opens up instead of waiting for employees to leave. When asked if we are hiring we tell people we are always taking applications
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